On the occasion of The Tavern-Premier Summer Cup which is Taiwan’s biggest football competition with 20 expat teams playing out the champions on the 28th and 29th of July 2007 at the Dachia River park, we are proud to present and host:
You do not want to miss the Summer’s coolest Summer Party in town!
Saturday, July 28th 5pm - 2am at the prestigous Country Club in Taipei.
Showers (with shampool & soap) and lockers available for free, bring your own towel.
Dance to the coolest summer tunes, played by famous DJ Marcus Aurelius. Tastiest BBQ Buffet prepared by the Tavern-Premier Executive Chefs. Cold Beers and other Drinks flowing all night at discounted prices.
RESERVATIONS required in advance, email to poolparty@tavern.com.tw with your name(s), E-mail address and cell number.
ENTRY NTD600 per person (including full buffet), Ladies 50% off (NTD300).