I’m going to be doing a long trek about all of the city organizing all of the needed materials for my new ARC application. One thing that the CLA needed was a tax receipt, but since I’ve only ever e-filed, I don’t know what to print, or if there is anything to print on my end, which really qualifies as a “tax receipt.” The e-filing system’s “receipt” is basically a congratulations page.
What printouts should I get? A Chinese name of the tax receipt (It can’t be as straightforward as “付稅款收據,” can it?) would help substantially, if anyone knows it.
I’m going to the Tax Bureau this afternoon to clarify the matter, which reminds me:
Is the Bureau building near 中正紀念館 the one to visit to cover matters like this? I’ve filed all previous taxes in Sanchong, and I didn’t receive a tax statement for this year.