I know that most private 1 on 1 tutor range from $500-1000. Recently I was being contacted to teach Business English to workers at a company, however they paid a cram school or language center to find teachers, therefore I know they will be making a profit themselves. Just wondering, what are the standard and reasonable pay rate per hour of teaching Business English to adults (5 to 20 of them), if the job is being offered to you by cram school or language center?
It doesn’t really help you much to say it, but in general people get what they’re worth. I think 1000NTD or so an hour is a reasonable rate if a teacher is being sent off-site to teach. Obviously the rate is affected by travel time.
From my experience, you’ll make standard cram school wages, and the cram school will make more money that you do (you’ll get $600/hr while they are making $1500/hr minimum); also, they will not supply you with anything in terms of materials/syllabus (perhaps a book if you are lucky).
This was an area that I constantly clashed with my school years back–they refused to pay even $100/hr more than standard wage for someone with a BBA and EBP qualifications. They kept sending FOB “teachers” and losing contracts after the first month or so. Absolutely hilarious business plan.
But they don’t need to know anything about business. They send you 'cos you’re the business guru!
Minimum 800 Per hour plus travel. This market is saturated but there are decent training companies specializing in this.
Cram schools sending ‘teachers’ with virtually no experience to train managers is an absolute joke.
Material can be provided but an experienced trainer would discuss with the students or the HR Dept to decide on relevant texts.
Many chain schools have entered this market recently and are paying cram school rates.
It will not take long for a company to realise the madness in employing a 20 year old newbie to instruct experienced staff!