Now I realise this topic has come up numerous times, and you’re probably fed up with seeing yet another new thread on the subject, but I’d really appreciate it if you’d take the time to read through my particular set of circumstances and my ideas. Of course I’ve used the search function and have found some useful information, but I also realise that things change and perhaps some of the older posts on this topic aren’t as relevant anymore.
So, I don’t have a degree though I do have CELTA. I’ve worked in Japan for a year with a working holiday visa and it’s always been my ambition to work there once I have three years of teaching experience (three years of relevant experience is an alternative to holding a degree as a requirement for a work visa in Japan). So I have a year of experience already, and I plan to teach somewhere like Australia or Canada for a year whilst I do my DELTA. That just leaves this year, and my heart is set on Taiwan. I see three options available to me:
I forge my own degree certificate. I sincerely apologise to the people who find this idea offensive, but even you should realise that my year of experience and CELTA surpasses the majority of degrees as an indicator to my teaching ability. I think I could produce a pretty good copy of a certificate with an embossed seal on watermarked paper, from a reputable London university that I studied at for a year (I gave up due to disinterest). I’m only willing to try this however if I have a least a 50% chance of not being caught. So the question is, how likely is it that they’ll check the authenticity of the certificate by phoning the university? They’d do this when I apply for my ARC, right? Are some places more likely to check than others? Perhaps I’m better off applying in a smaller city? Or is there an express service I can ask for whereby the likelihood of them checking is less due to time limitations? Whatever knowledge or experience anyone might have of this, I’d really appreciate hearing it. Okay, next option…
Work without a work visa and either overstay or fly in and out of the country every so often (I’m British. How often would I need to do this? 90 days?). I guess a lot of people do this but my main concern is the money. How difficult will it be to find somebody willing to employ me, and how much less would I be likely to earn compared with if I held a work visa? I don’t mind doing this but being able to save money is a priority for me. Is there anyone here that’s doing this? Please PM me if you prefer to retain your anonymity. Final option…
Teach somewhere else. Obviously my least preferred option, but this is for the people who think I just shouldn’t teach in Taiwan. So is there anywhere in Asia where I don’t need a degree to teach? Or where teaching without the relevant visa is a more done thing and I’d be less likely to be found out? Remember, being able to save some money is important, though I realise beggars can’t always be choosers.
I know this is a bit of an essay, but any comments, thoughts, advice or opinions are greatly welcomed and appreciated. I just want to be able to make an informed decision as to how I spend the next year of my life!