
Absolutely horrendous company. During my teaching demo, the woman with the badly dyed hair was very rude and kept interrupting me with her nonsensical interjections. Her staff seemed to have grown used to being treated like chattel which I found rather amusing. They kept talking about the high service they provided to their clients whilst I kept wondering why they couldn’t afford well insulated walls. :rofl:

fewer, smaller would also work

Old thread, but it was about editing so I couldn’t resist. Now, back to editing.

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I assume you are a non white foreigner.

A good number, people implied, so fewer people now. Or smaller, as in a smaller number that transition now.

“Less people.” Shoot me. :slightly_smiling_face:

Step closer so I can use less fewer bullets.


You missed. :kissing:

I think you need to wait a few more years before you qualify for euthanasia, Doc.

I had an interview there for a tutoring position several years ago, and my impression was the same as yours (I assume it was the same woman - your description is a pretty accurate match for what I thought).

I’ve heard and read similar things from a previous staff member there and the occasional post on Facebook etc. So it seems you’re not alone.