Technical "How-to" question

Hi all. This is my first post here. I live in Costa Mesa, CA at the moment but I’m relocating to Taichung at the end of August. My sister and I were having a discussion the other day about travelling - she’s been to Europe a bunch and I’ve been to the Philippines, China, and Taiwan. During the course of our conversation the topic of toilets came up. Apparently, the ‘squatter’ type of toilet is also popular in France. I thought before that they were an Asia specific thing.

So anyway, the question arose: Which way do you face when you use them? Do you back your ass in or face the plumbing?

Welcome to Forumosa, Rover.

Good to see you have got the important questions on the table first. My guess is, that the squat toilet is probably the most common type in the world, not just asia.

I face the plumbing, but I wouldn’t surprised if I don’t do it right. Sometimes you need to hang on to something for grim death…

I think you face the door. The most common mistake by foriegners is not positioning your… self… over the hole.

Shouldn’t technical questions go in the technology forum??

When faced witha squatter I clench my buttocks and go home. It doesn’t take long to learn to go before you set out in a morning.

You face the plumbing, i.e. your arse faces the door. In the case below, this allows you to while away the time by poking through the conveniently placed wastepaper bin at nose-level.

[quote=“Loretta”]Shouldn’t technical questions go in the technology forum??

When faced witha squatter I clench my buttocks and go home. It doesn’t take long to learn to go before you set out in a morning.[/quote]
There’s no sit-down toilet at my workplace. So when I need to, I go to the McDonald’s down the street for a McDump.

You’ve really got to clean your bathroom sandman.

What on earth for? I just did it at Chinese New Year.

He must use the toilet brush (in the back of the photo) for something else.

You face sideways, then you have something to draw on. Ex. “For A Good Time Call Sandman.”

Why is everybody talking about face? Normally I use my butt, but that may be a European thing…

You can start practicing:

free lesson

lesson two

Ahh, I will take this advice to heart. Along with all that stuff about guanxi, face, and receiving business cards with both hands.

Ahh, I will take this advice to heart. Along with all that stuff about guanxi, face, and receiving business cards with both hands.[/quote]

Whed you can use the squatter AND take a business card with both hands AND give/receive face all at the same time you have made it here.

He must use the toilet brush (in the back of the photo) for something else.[/quote]

… dental hygiene?

Hi jdsmith,

Please merge this thread to this older thread on page 7 of this forum. .

Somehow I can’t merge threads to threads found on older pages in other forums.

Thank you,