Teens warned of risks from 'vodka tampon' use

Pretty weird…I guess…

[quote]Teens warned of risks from ‘vodka tampon’ use
“Police in southern Germany warned this week of a dangerous new form of alcohol abuse among teens – using tampons soaked in vodka to get drunk quickly and hide the smell. The practice poses grave health risks, they said.”

"Police in the Baden-Württemburg city of Tuttlingen responded Tuesday to growing online chatter among teenagers that they could become intoxicated using the vodka tampons without having alcohol on their breath.

This is not true, police said, denying that it was an effective way to get drunk. They also warned girls that the alcohol could damage vaginal walls and increase the risk of infection. * Boys have reportedly also been using tampons anally."[/quote]

* - not that there’s anything wrong with that


German engineering with yet another breakthrough.

First use in Finland seems to predate this “recent news” by a decade at least… Too bad for ze Glory of ze German Engineering :cry:

See forums.about.com/n/pfx/forum.asp … s&tid=9830

Incidentally, I believe we discussed this same subject in another thread on this same forum a few months ago, but apparently that was in temp, because I can’t find it. I don’t believe the prior article was from Germany. And oddly enough, it doesn’t appear to be a new or narrow phenomenon.

google.com/search?source=aig … 7f64efb33f

[quote=“Mother Theresa”]Incidentally, I believe we discussed this same subject in another thread on this same forum a few months ago, but apparently that was in temp, because I can’t find it. I don’t believe the prior article was from Germany. And oddly enough, it doesn’t appear to be a new or narrow phenomenon.

google.com/search?source=aig … 7f64efb33f[/quote]
I was thinking that Belgian Pie put something similar in, but I wasn’t sure. It had a catchy name.