Terrorist attack in Iran

And the show goes on…

Should be part of the Islam thread.

Forgot to mention Iran’s revolutionary guard is commanded by the ayatollah. An 120K+ army of armed radical fanatics that all follow a guy that shouts death to America.


Smells like a setup. Something like (probably) Assange.

And why would they be wishing death to America? Anybody remember life under the Shah? Hmmm, I wonder whether any American leaders have expressed this kind of hostility towards an entire country or culture.

Meh, unless Iran sprouts a Navy or Air Force capable of approaching the US, I think there’s not much for the US to be worried about. The Iranian army is about 500K and is mostly used to maintain “peace” in Iran. The whole Sunni Shiite thang, ya see…among other things.

I’d put money on Saudi Arabia funding the shooters. It’s a pretty dick move and they’re pretty dicky. And it’s snot like SA doesn’t fuel all the anti-Iran fires in the region.

Probably because Iran knows the US Navy could spend all of an afternoon knocking out all their oil related infrastructure for decades to come and poking fun at them is a harmless way to make a point without getting Saddamed.

The most likely encounter would be if the US attempts some sort of military action against Iran (as many expect). Pentagon wargaming suggests significant US vulnerabilities.

Given that the US is energy independent, I do not see that happening. And Trump is no Clinton. Anyone who thinks Iran is anything more than a regional threat doesn’t really know how vulnerable they are. Easy to keep in check, easy to invade, no friends close by, and brimming with internal discord.

And what US warmongering are you referring to? McCain is dead.

They used to talk that way about Al Qaeda. Oh, and ISIS.

Who’s they?

When Iran can reach beyond Iraq, Syria and Yemen…and win… wake me up.

You know, the experts. The people who think they know it all.

The time to wake up was September 12, 2001. You’ve overslept.

I must have missed the connection between Iran and 911. Iran’s the main sponsor of Hezbollah, and aside from a bit of fund raising in the US, they are mostly local.

An older article from the Brookings Institution: Support for terrorism offers Iran what it craves most today: options. Iran is at best a middleweight economic power, and its military is in a state of disrepair. Terrorism, however, gives Iran a role in the fight against Israel, a strong voice in Iraq’s future, and a way to deter the United States. In the end, Iran may decide to push Hezbollah away from the brink or to be a constructive player in Iraq.

Given that is exactly what happened, Iraq being courted by Iran at the highest levels, I’d say the threat against the US is quite low. I seem to recall that when Mark R. De Alencar was killed Trump drop the MOAB on ISIS. One guy dead = MOAB. I bet The IRGC turned their TVs off and beat a bunch of women and children in Khuzestan for smiling on a cloudy day, which, not surprisingly is where this recent attack happened.

See enough of the world and you start to appreciate how small it is. Iran is geographically far closer to Afghanistan than it is to New York. If they could reach us from one place, they can reach us from the other.

The only real solution to terrorism is to rid the earth of terrorists. The only way to rid the earth of terrorists is to destroy the cultures which create them.

Iran has got to go. Not the nation state. The way of thinking that lies behind it. That has to go. Iran can become a failed state and still be a problem. Or Iran can become a westernized democracy and cease to be a concern.

This what people who play too much Risk don’t grasp. The nation states and armies are not the core reality. They are epiphenomena. It’s a war of cultures. The only reason to bother attacking a terrorist-sponsoring state is because it’s in the way.

We don’t have to wipe out all the terrorists to be safe. Just the ones on this planet.

OK, bye. I see you’re not serious. :banana: