Test your moral sense

Armchair philosophers, be seated:

About the Moral Sense Test

…For hundreds of years, scholars have argued that our moral judgments arise from rational, conscious, voluntary, reflective deliberations about what ought to be. This perspective has generated the further belief that our moral psychology is a slowly developing capacity, founded entirely on experience and education, and subject to considerable variation across cultures. With the exception of a few trivial examples, one culture

Harvard and a “moral test” – talk about a contradiction. . . .

A moral test? Yikes… in my youthful days, I was known to many as “Captain Id”.

Weird test, just 4 questions and no result presented.

Yeah Rascal:

I know. I was hoping to find out whether you were in any way moral too!

Moral sense v. moral code

I believe we have a few innate and basic moral notions. One would be for example, as I said elsewhere, our sense of fairness. Those would make up a truly “moral sense”, as opposed to a moral code.

Moral codes are grown out of this initial “moral sense” but often much elaborated to take into account the varying degrees of social complexity.

Whereas our “moral sense” remains basically the same all our life, moral codes are subject to historical development and essentially a part of culture, and therefore diversified.

In that sense, our “moral sense” would however be subject to ageing, genetic, and illness.


Well put speaker pigeon:

You shock me. I did not know that the French had morals or even debated these issues. :wink:

I don’t know if I passed the morality test, but they fail the spelling test.

from the hunter-gathers of the Rift Valley