Texas Church Cards People Who Patronize Adult Stores

I know. My question wasn’t directed to you personally… but to anyone who could answer why some people think there is a problem with liking sex and or pornography.

I agree. I missed the part of the Bible where they said it’s a sin to enjoy sex. Being brought up Baptist, not much was said about sex except that only really bad people do it outside of marriage. Anyways, I wonder what this guy’s sexual addiction was…if really was an addiction to sex or if it was really just something related to his sexual orientation where someone made him feel guilty about his own natural instincts because someone thinks that God doesn’t like it.
I get bothered by seeing people like this guy who take out their own half-witted crusades to make themselves seem like martyrs because they are chasing after people who have no interest in their fundamentalism and interpretation of religion so they get this feeling of righteousness that they are doing something right because the “sinners” are so vehemently opposed to what they are doing when in reality, they are just harrassing others. That’s another part of the Bible I missed…the part where testifying to sinners included harrassing, stalking, and breaking up their personal relationships to show them the light.

When I was a kid, we lived half a block from Jim Jones church in Indianapolis (circa 1957 or so). Most of of the kids in my neighborhood who went to church went to church there. I and my siblings also wanted to go there because our friends went there and because they would have FUN there. However, my parents would not attend there because “Jim Jones was not teaching the bible”. As I get older, I am constantly amazed a how much wisdom my parents had and I never knew it as a kid. The thought of what may have been still sends chills up my spine. Thankfully none of my friends went into his self imposed exile with him.

Jim Jones… Wasnt he the leader of that doomsday cult " People’s Temple" ? What a freakin murderer. Close to a thousand people drank cyanide-laced beverages and died with this freak in Guyana. He also murdered a US Congressman if my memory’s correct.

That’s correct.