That Lien-Hu meeting

Lian’s speech at Beijing University touched on topics of modern Chinese history, on liberalism, anti-dogmatism, historic transitions, and lessons for the importance of peace for Chinese people. It was televised on CCTV (national network) live.

Please revise this post and moderate your tone.

I don’t believe that Lian Zhan will be given pandas. I think it is just a rumour. Pandas would be given to Taibei Zoo, which comes under the Taibei City Government. Since Lian is in China representing a political party and not Taibei City or any other administrative unit in Taiwan, he is not in a position to accept such a gift. If Ma Yingjiu went to China, it would be a different matter. According to protocol, Ma Yingjiu, as leader of a local administration in Taiwan, would have meetings with his counterparts on the mainland. If he met the mayor of Kunming, Chengdu, or Chongqing, for example, they might give him a panda or two.

I could be wrong - we’ll see.

From an animal welfare point of view, I would not be in favour of Taiwan receiving pandas or other rare animals at the present time. I wouldn’t put it past some extremists on the lunatic fringe of the Taiwan independence movement to harm animals given to Taiwan by China.

What a disgusting, troll-worthy comment this is. How low can you go, Juba? I can’t believe that you’re a moderator.

I thought the KMT WAS a zoo. The Pandas could run for chairman and vice-chairman of the KMT after Zhan Ge’s … but no, after this tremendeous success, Zhan Ge will never step down, will he?

[quote]Juba wrote:

[quote]I wouldn’t put it past some extremists on the lunatic fringe of the Taiwan independence movement to harm animals given to Taiwan by China.

What a disgusting, troll-worthy comment this is. How low can you go, Juba? I can’t believe that you’re a moderator.[/quote]

I don’t think this is trolling at all. I think it’s a real possibility.

Yes. Actually, I read about this in some news, too. Somebody threatened to poison the panda if it came to Taipei. Between TW’s news and crazies, it’s a tough call. Anyway, enjoy the following comment found here about the panda: … post279827

[quote]TWYankee 發表時間: 2005-04-30 01:16

註冊日: 2004-03-28
來自: USA & 台灣國
發表數: 776 Re: 有熊貓在,中國不敢攻台???
So sad, NONE of you get the conspiracy behind the Chink Panda.

It can be used as a TROJAN HOURSE, carrying bio warfare agents for attacks against Taiwanese people and economy.

Afterall, the Evil Empire of China does NOT care about Taiwanese people.

The Evil Empire of China only wants Taiwan to serve as a forward military base for its ambition of power-projecting into the Pacific Ocean, destroyinc the US, and becoming the sole global Hegemon.

畏戰無法止戰!!! 備戰才能止戰!!! DESTROY THE EVIL EMPIRE OF CHINA!!![/quote]


[quote]TWYankee 發表時間: 2005-04-30 01:16

註冊日: 2004-03-28 來自: USA & 台灣國 發表數: 776 Re: 有熊貓在,中國不敢攻台???
So sad, NONE of you get the conspiracy behind the Asian from China Panda.

It can be used as a TROJAN HOURSE, carrying bio warfare agents for attacks against Taiwanese people and economy.

Afterall, the Evil Empire of China does NOT care about Taiwanese people.

The Evil Empire of China only wants Taiwan to serve as a forward military base for its ambition of power-projecting into the Pacific Ocean, destroyinc the US, and becoming the sole global Hegemon.[/quote][/quote]
I hope that was posted tongue in cheek. If not, that guy is a whack who’s watched X-Files one time too many.

Personally, I think if Lien can swing the pandas and not make promises or try and act like an ambassador then it will be good. Good for panda diplomacy. Easing tensions doesn’t have to mean captitulating or agreeing.

This is a superior example of how threads get hijacked by bullshit. Juba just couldn’t help himself with the panda-killer slur, and now we have a definite suspect “somebody”, according to agent-provocateur No.1 zeugmite. Maybe it was the same guy who really shot the president? For fuck’s sake.

In the context of what is happening in Beijing right now, it is illustrative of the infantilism that grips a lot of people here that pandas should be of any concern whatsoever.

Did anybody notice? Lien said that the KMT and the CCP should work together to oppose “independence.” He belittled Taiwanese democracy. That’s what he said in public. Can you begin to imagine what was said in private?

Lien will return, Wang Jin-pyng will humbly withdraw from standing for the chairmanship, leaving Ma Ying-jeou looking even more foolish as he wonders why nobody in the KMT loves him when it is he who the DPP fears the most. I bet the DPP must be delighted at the prospect of Lien running against their next candidate. And Jimbo? Splitting Lien’s vote once more? It’s not impossible, and wouldn’t it be just amazing to watch all over again?

Most of the major networks are running news blurbs about Lien’s visit to China. All are emphasising that Lien and Hu are both against Taiwan declaring independence. That comment from Lien alone should end the debate on whether Taiwan is independent or not. Thanks Lien! My favorite quote was from the Washington Post…

For Lien, the high-profile visit to China represented an opportunity to show Taiwanese that he and his Nationalist Party are more able than Chen to lower tensions and prevent war.

It is no secret the KMT and PFP opposes TI. Which the only common ground that the CCP and KMT have at this time.

“Taiwan used to be a cohesive place,” Mr. Lien said. “But in order to manipulate ethnic groups for the election, some political figure rips the society apart.” [/quote]
So Lien wasn’t critising democracy on Taiwan, more critical of racial campaign techniques being used on the Taiwan.

Lien also praise PRC for the village level elections which help bridges the political structure difference between Taiwan and China.

But back to the real issues. Please don’t kill the pandas. And please don’t name the pandas 戰戰 and 連連.

To borrow a Taiwan description of yestarday speech “The Bala has become an Apple”

I like how Lien said that Taiwan used to be a cohesive place… yeah after the KMT killed a chunk of the population and subdued it.

Either way alot of articles also wrote that Lien’s visit in itself was creating a divide within the Taiwanese people.

I like the Pan-Red point of view: “Taiwan, do not advance in Democracy or Peace, or even change the constitution of the very government we kicked out 50 years ago! Otherwise it will be grounds for a bloody war started by us, but really your fault since you did stuff for yourselfthat would result in the betterment of your people! Unify with us or die because you have higher standards in everything!”

Sure makes sense.

Why are the importance of Taiwanese people making us seem like super ‘citizens’ in the eyes of China? Are we worth that much more than any other life in China? Sure feels like it.

I thought their color coordinated ties were a bit much Lien (blue), Hu (red). :s

I agree the most important aspect of meeting was the complimentary ties. It was surprising to see the analysis of Gold tie at Beijing University talk and the Blue tie for the Hu Jingtao conference (as if there was nothing else to talk about) LOL :slight_smile:

It was also interesting that CCTV did an account of the 2 faux pas committed by Lien Chen wife. The first one was when she was directly behind Lien Chen when entering the room, thus missed opportunity for photographs. The other when she stepped in front of Hu Jingtao

Clarification on my previous post


The United Daily survey, conducted last night, found 56 percent of 859 respondents believe the Lien-Hu talks will help cross-Strait peace. Thirty-one percent said they feel tensions with China are easing[/quote]

Even though the majority of people are hopeful about the meeting improving PRC/ROC relationships, a majority of people also don’t feel the tension easing.

It could be because Taiwan media keeps reporting the ruling party will sue/arrest/egg Lien on his return to Taiwan.

Soong will save the day, deliver letter from Chen to Hu, all this Lienzan stuff soon forgotten. But wife does nice cleavage.

Dwellers of the ancient capital Xi’an line the streets during Lian Zhan’s visit.

Couldn’t find any PRC flags, looks like. :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:
Well hey, at least its red. Chabuduo culture thrives in China too it would seem.

Just a link with some Lien family background if anyone is interested.

…To increase revenue, the Japanese extended special permission to the opium trade at the end of 1928, ignoring the health of the Taiwanese people. This drew protests from the Taiwan Commoners Party (台灣民眾黨) and medical associations across Taiwan, as well as the New People Association (新民會) in Tokyo. The colonizers mobilized their hack academics and gentry to defend it. Lien Heng also wrote a lengthy opinion article supporting the colonial government’s policy. The article was published in the Taiwan Daily News (台灣日日新報), a hack newspaper of the Japanese. For this, Lien Heng was despised by Taiwanese society, ostracized by cultural circles, and expelled by the Oak Tree Poetry Society (櫟社), Taiwan’s top poetry club. “Feeling that he had no footing among the Taiwanese people,” Lien took his family and left for Shanghai.

Written by Ku Er-teh, I dont know how biased he is though, make your own opinion. (Feb 6, 2004)

Yeah, nothing like the Ku (Gu) family (辜寬敏 is a hardcore advisor in Chen’s administration), one of whose ancestors ran to the Japanese and led the Japanese troops into the city of Taipei around 1895, securing favors for the following few Ku generations under Japanese rule.