The Baltic Sea Anomaly Stranger Than a UFO

Remember that Baltic Sea discovery last year where a group of Swedish treasure hunters discovered what appeared to be a UFO or something equally as strange on the sea floor, well they have just been back to investigate what it is.

There reports are of something more enigmatic than even a UFO could explain. Here is a list of discoveries so far:

Completely circular plate-like exterior.
180 metres in circumference.
Object is 200ft across mushroom shaped comprising a thick pillar rising 8 metres out of the seabed with a 4 metre thick dome on top (like a mushroom shape) – rising a total of 12 metres (approx 40 feet) high above the surrounding seabed.
Cavities-like corridors inside the object.
Straight and smooth walls in certain areas with many right angles.
There are visible formations on top of the object, which are set at a 90 degree angle and look like passageways or walls, as well as something that looks like it could be a staircase.
Stone circles, like “fireplaces”, of hard black “almost petrified” burnt looking stone each a few inches in diameter, like 4 or 5 pearls in a necklace in various arrangements on top of the dome.
Spherical object nicknamed “The Meringue” (pictured below) is 4 metres wide and sits on top of the object.

    Twenty-five centimetre hole on top of the object, it’s not known yet where it leads or what if anything is inside.
    Long runway or “skid marks” leading to object point north[/quote]

The lead researcher Peter Lindberg believes if it were man made it was before the last ice age because of the types of sediment and rocks deposited on its surface. They have also experienced electronic interference as they approach the monolith.

There will be more to follow in this story after they have finished their expedition.

I got the above quote from here which has an extended article on this story. You can also listen to an interview with Peter Lindberg posted just a couple of days ago if you do a google search.

The real picture looks a lot different than the artists conception. It looks like the aliens made their spaceship out of rock. Like the Flintstones.

for clarity, the image above is [quote]of something now nicknamed “The Meringue”. The meringue as it is now known is a circular 4 meter wide feature that actually sits on top of the main 200 foot wide mushroom-like dome. What looks like the seabed towards the bottom of the feature is in fact the TOP of the mushroom dome. The seabed is another 40 feet further down![/quote]

Would you say this rock formation looks more interesting than the rock formations at Yeh Liou?

So any metal detected, I guess not?

[quote=“Dr. McCoy”]The real picture looks a lot different than the artists conception. It looks like the aliens made their spaceship out of rock. Like the Flintstones.

Kill Joy!

What’s to be made of these giant steps found in Ireland.They contain a staircase like appearance with many right angles? This naturally occurring formation was the result of naturally occurring giants who fell foul of naturally occurring leprechauns.

Giant’s Causeway, Northern Ireland. Polygonal basalt.

The BSA is almost certainly just a rock structure as well, but nevertheless interesting. They need to send some geomorphologists down there.

Perhaps at last we shall now gain access to that ever elusive tube technology!

If it’s on the ocean floor, it’s not a UFO–it’s a USO.

Kill Joy!

What’s to be made of these giant steps found in Ireland.They contain a staircase like appearance with many right angles? This naturally occurring formation was the result of naturally occurring giants who fell foul of naturally occurring leprechauns.

Those look pretty cool.

[quote=“Fox”]Kill Joy!

What’s to be made of these giant steps found in Ireland.They contain a staircase like appearance with many right angles? This naturally occurring formation was the result of naturally occurring giants who fell foul of naturally occurring leprechauns.[/quote]

Hexagons don’t have right angles, you dimwit.

Anyway, hexagons occur because it is the shape formed most naturally under pressure and within a contained area.

can I laugh out loud here??

In the fourth dimension they do!

Seriously, this type of story pops up regularly–e.g. the sunken “cities” off Bimini, Japan, and Dwarka–and conveniently ignores conventional natural / geological explanations in favor of…something that isn’t even an explanation, really. In Serbia the government is promoting tourism to the ancient pyramids of Serbia, which some unenlightened archeologists accuse of merely being hills. Maybe Taiwan should profess to discover the ancient underground cities and mass sacrificial pits mentioned in the writings of Psalmanazar.

Well, the is some evidence of civilisation under the sea, and artifacts have indeed been found which are not of wrecks but of times before ocean travel. But artifacts which have been discovered belong only to sites of mere settlements, and man made monoliths are the same as those found on land - because they are one and the same. Rising sea levels after the last ice age undoubtedly covered up a lot of archaeological sites, but lost cities and vast UFO landing strips are certainly results of an overactive imagination, of wanting to believe and of media hysteria.

Possible explanation: