The best and worst pizza: the chains we live for and those we don't … toViewer=8

So what chain do you think has the best pizza in your home country?

I wish I could get some Papa John’s in Taiwan!

I always loved LaVal’s Pizza in Berkeley. It’s a “chain” of perhaps two or three locations.

Marathon Pizza, Morden Manitoba. Best pizza I’ve ever tasted. Single store, not a chain.

Sbarro’s and Shakey’s are my go-to chains at home (well, my other home-away-from-home, Manila) but if I was in the U.S. you wouldn’t catch me anywhere near those places. Little Caesar’s was the desperation choice in college. There’s an up-n-coming chain called New York Pizza Palace that just opened a shop in Makati. Pretty damn good N.Y. style slices and pie. The owner mentioned Taipei in the expansion plan. Generally speaking however, I don’t eat pizza in Taiwan unless it’s free, mainly cuz I’m spoiled for choice in MNL and for whatever reason, nobody here has figured it out.

Otherwise, on the West Coast, Zachary’s (two-store chain) in Berkeley and Oakland was the closest I ever came to pizza west of the Mississippi.

Favorite Major Chain: Papa Johns
Favorite Pizza: Lost Dog Cafe in Arlington Virginia, Polynesian Pizza

Favorite Major Chain: Dominos (As a side note, the hot wings are like chicken crack)
Favorite Pizza: Papa Gios pretty much anything

Of the chains: Round Table. In my opinion, it’s the only real pizza as far as the chains go. Honestly, Costco makes pretty good pizza too.

Of a single mom-n-pop store: Vito’s Famous Pizza on White Rd. and Story Rd. in San Jose, CA. Hands down the best pizza I have EVER had in my life. I moved to Southern California for school and lived there until I came to Taipei. EVERY single time I went back home to visit my folks I got two things: Vito’s and Peter’s Bakery.

In Southern Cal, Gina’s Pizza was pretty good. But she couldn’t touch Vito’s.

There are a lot of Papa John’s on the Mainland, someone needs to hook that franchise up in TW if it is as good as yall say.

I’m going to have to put in a vote for worst pizza here. Jim’s Pizza in Nangang, so greasy (NY thin crust) not just on the top, but the crust was greasy. One of my boys even threw up. Not cheap either. Sports bar style joint. Two pizzas had the same problem. I felt queasy, before I could even eat enough to feel full. Never again. No. 19, Xinmin Street, Nangang, sorry, but my vote says AVOID!

Papa Vito, Little New York, Oggi, Il Mercato, and Pizza Rock are all decent, among others. The “worst” list is too long to type, but we can start with any place that puts corn, peas, or mayonnaise on their pies. :nauseated_face:

Is this thread about the best pizza chains in one’s home country?

I suspect Dragon Bones saw a thread with “worst pizza” in the title—and decided yes this is where he would provide his update.

@Dragonbones I hope your boys are OK!



It’s important that threads are followed correctly or all chaos ensues.


If this is the case, we are in serious trouble. :grin:



Yup. Will try to find a better thread; mods pls delete