I like the idea of Mozilla but their site says it’s only a beta: how stable is it?
I’m using K-Meleon, which is based on the code of Mozilla apparently but is stripped-down. It’s OK but a bit slow, doesn’t deal with false ‘page not found’ errors (which I get all the time as I’m on the cheapest cable connection) well and doesn’t offer a ‘save page as web archive’ (i.e. a single document rather than an HTML doc and associated files folder) option.
I also tried Mozilla when it turned 1.0. Fairly stable. I’d stick with it, but I just didn’t need all the extra gadgets they added, so I have been using Chimera and Apple’s Safari now. The only downside of Mozilla is its lack of toolbar installation options like Yahoo! Companion with which I store my bookmarks, notes and calendar (store once, use it anywhere). I haven’t been able to live without it (just about the only I miss having a PC since Companion is not available for Mac).