The better leader for KMT

This poll is a little bit like asking a group of Harley owners what color next year’s Kawasaki should be. :wink:

I just see Wang as more of the same old KMT, and unlikely to change anything from the way it was under Lien “out of respect” for his predecessor. I have been very disappointed with how he has comported himself since the last presidential election, and especially in regard to the struggle for party leadership. What’s more, he doesn’t impress me as possessing the slightest shred of presidential aura, and I do not want to see him as the KMT’s candidate in the next presidential election (I’m praying that we’ll have two good pairs of candidates to choose from next time, not another two bad ones that necessitate votes to be cast on a lesser-of-two-evils basis).

For all his well-documented shortcomings, Ma is by far the better man, would hold out the promise of real reform in the KMT, would be sure to make Taiwan much more foreigner-friendly, and would be an excellent figurehead to parade Taiwan’s merits on the international stage.