Ladies and Gentlemen, it’s official. HIP-HOP IS NOT DEAD! It is alive and well this week at The Wall with The Bling Dynasty Unites. From the people who brought you Zen Zen Yabai and ParadICE along with Mr. Jay Mark are calling you out. All heed the call of Master and bring your most ghetto fabulous pieces of bling and raise it high in the sky.
“嘻哈還沒玩完!”各位眾親友們,率領Zen Zen Yabai 及溜冰派對的精英團隊們,和Mr. Jay Mark 用力再用力 邀請哥哥姊姊弟弟妹妹們—4月21日 金“珠”閃閃 ,戴上你最壓箱寶的項鍊,最殺手級的配件傢伙,請你來 見證 最High,最Funk,最純原汁,最嘻哈的嘻哈。
Straight outta Montreal via Shanghai, DJ CHOYCE KUTZ makes a triumphant return to Taipei. Along with former and soon to be again partner-in-crime, MARCUS AURELIUS, these two are going to take hip-hop to the next level by playing a set on 4 turntables. That’s right, back to back, front to front, and side to side. DJ TAKA and DJ TERU are going to bring the funk. And back by popular demand, PROPAGANDA is ready to rock like they’ve never rocked it before. Great giveaways and may the bling be with you.
久違的Eden 駐場蒙特婁DJ Choyce Kutz,回來囂張3年驚人成長。與DJ Marcus Aurelius展現“活生生”2人4手DJ技倆“4輪DJ轉盤”。日籍DJ Taka 和DJ Teru要你放克。最後壓軸Rap繞舌知名團體 PROPAGANDA。派對現場還有特別金“珠”兒,等你親自來“拼“回去。
Saturday, April 21, 2007
The Wall 11pm-4am
Roosevelt Road Section 4 #200 B1
4月21日 星期六 11pm-4am
The Wall 羅斯福路4段200號地下ㄧ樓
$300 in advance
(contact, 0989.278.707, or by them yourself at Jahmunas Jamacian Stop 381 Renai E. Rd Sec 4)
預售優待票300元 (含ㄧ杯飲料)
請洽 , 電話0989.278.707
或 Jahmunas餐廳購買預售優待票(仁愛路4段381號)
$400 at the door
當天票價 400元(含ㄧ杯飲料)