The Butthurt News: A meltdown.

Too soon?


It’s beyond bizarre. If Mueller had reported that Trump should be indicted for illegally colluding with Russia in the 2016 election, it would have been a catastrophe for the US (much less conspiracy, which would have been worse by an order of magnitude). The fallout from indict/can’t-indict a sitting President would surely have been helpful only to future generations and extremely toxic to Americans alive today.

The US dodged a many-megaton legal and existential weapon, and the Democrats don’t seem to realize it. In fact they seem to mourn the miss.

One more manifestation of the sorry state of today’s Democrat party, and why imo they are simply not fit to lead. Democrats have lost the plot.



Sore losers. And they’re the ones started the fight.


They didn’t like the speech.

It was a shaggy dog speech, and the joke was on them. He didn’t need a soaring moment to rise far above these asswipes.

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CNNs digging such a big hole for themselves, one day they won’t be able to crawl out.

Of course its a rat-infested slum- Jared Kushner is one of the slumlords.

Do you have proof Jared Kushner is a Slum lord in Baltimore? Please share, Id be happy to read. Theres too many baseless venomous accusations going around these days

"Kushner Cos. own 701 HUD-supported units in Baltimore County. Year-to-date, inspectors discovered 173 failures to meet standards. Only when HUD funds were threatened to be withheld were necessary repairs made. In six cases, HUD payments were withheld by the County in order to mandate the repairs.

In other Kushner owned units, County inspectors issued 35 correction notices. Necessary repairs were made to all but three properties, where fines were issued totaling $3,500. Five new complaints were recently received and are still under investigation by County code inspectors."

I’d say they were cleaning the places up. Glass half full. And evicting people who don’t pay rent? Why that’s just SHOCKING! :roll:

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Turnabout is fair play, unless you’re the one getting turned about on.

Oh Dear , this won’t go down well with some viewers .

I think @fredsmith wrote this :grinning:

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“Little turds” with that guy’s accent was fantastic.
Anyway, can’t tell youngsters to switch off their devices: without a smartphone how could they let the world know about their moral high ground?

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Wah. Send the link. I cannot open the audio/video file. And I want to hear the word “turds.”

Sour grapes over Baghdadi…

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People on Twitter are sending their condolences to Ohmar and Tlaib…Tlib…however it’s spelled.

Baghdadi was a leader of peace, and now due to Trump’s intervention we’ll never know his true motifs. definitely sounds butthurt that Orangina isn’t getting cred. Maybe something to do with officials saying Trump’s move in Syria actually made the Baghdadi operation more difficult.

Or maybe because he was caught faking photos because he was playing golf during the operation:



ISIS was an army of Peace, their aim was to spread to Europe then US like they said and bring Peace.

It’s a religion of peace.

Kind of interesting that hundreds of people get massacred in Baghdad by the government and it doesn’t even register.

I know this is big news too but I thought it noteworthy, the contrast.

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