The by now famous ULLI and SAM have been ADOPTED!

We took the call Sunday morning April 1st. Two kittens, eyes still shut, found in Tianmu, Taipei, in a box with some bread :loco: . Our Kymco to the rescue! Half an hour later we met a lovely German/Taiwanese family. They had previously proven to have a heart for animals by adopting one of 's dogs! Now they stood there with a shoebox and 2 very small kittens. Looking back they must have been born the previous night. The kittens that is.



We took Ulli and Sam to Jia Ching, our favorite vet (the best imho) and then home. An all too familiar regime of 2 to 3-hourly feeds saw Ulli and Sam through the week. They were gaining weight, but we know that nothing beats a mother-cat! Well, we knew just the cat! Molly, taken in initially by Douglas and Stan of , gave birth to 4 kittens on Thursday, and Friday (holiday!) saw us off to Taichung. Molly and her caregiver JoAnne are fantastic and immediately accepted Ulli and Sam. Their instincts rekindled they started to fill up on Molly’s milk. By Saturday morning their noses had a rosy color and we left Taichung greatly relieved if sad to leave the little guys behind.

Molly and kids

Molly’s gang of now six

Sam found a nipple and knows what to do!

Ulli and Sam, healthy male milk cow cats, will be up for adoption as soon as they are 7 to 8 weeks old. See also:

Spread the word please! Thanks.

I visited Molly and the kids recently. Molly’s a bit tired and really appreciated the visit. She loves attention from people. She’s a busy mom. We are keeping the pictures as up-to-date as possible on our website. We think Molly has an offer for a home and a few of the kittens too. Check our website for updates.

There is nothing cuter than a kitten, except maybe kittens. :slight_smile:

It looks like Molly’s adoption fell through, as the interested party was not heard from again.

So this is a unique chance for you to adopt a very sweet, very pretty female cat and/or her kitten(s)!

This is Sam’s recent pictures!

She is finally stable now and is eating soft food now. She is got ringworm now and is treated but it’staking a little while to get better.

This is Ulli! She is so playful and always trying to come out from their room.

Good News! Sam and Ulli are back in Taipei, strong and healthy, after the famous Molly-and-JoAnne-of-Taichung nursed them and saved their lives. They are now available for adoption to the general cat-loving public of Taipei (and the world).

It’s amazing how these:



turned into these:

They are both girls, sisters, born on or just before March 31st, and both are playful and beautifully finished. Ulli is the bolder of the two and has already been de-sexed and vaccinated. Sam is more delicate and a real sweetheart who loves to be close to you. No worms, no fleas, and ready for that lifelong home to call their own!

This Sunday someone will come to meet Ulli and Sam. They’ve promised they’ll be on their best behavior, so fingers crossed for adoption into a great home!

Ulli and Sam are still available. Their possible adoption fell through at no fault of theirs!

Here’s Ulli’s adoption poster in Chinese. It would be fantastic if your school or institution or 7/11 or … would let you hang this. Her sister Sam is also available, see earlier posts in this thread. In fact, it would be lovely for both if they could remain together!