"The Conservative Cult of Victimhood"

Your Critical Race Theory continues to provide great entertainment!

When is your first book out?

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I sent @Mick a link to my academia.edu page earlier tonight (apparently I missed some drama), my first book has been there (self-published) since about 2013

do I trust you with my real identity? no i do not


You forgot the attack on Christmas


It’s not really on topic, but I am curious about which posters here sound alike to you. Perhaps in an appropriate thread we can discuss that.

In the mean time, which other examples of conservative victimhood can you name? Do you believe conservatives deploy victimhood as a political tactic, as the article suggests?

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I think it’s funny you assume I care about that. A bit on the presumptuous side. I wouldn’t want to know it, nor do I care particularly. I feel this is one of those comments that says more about the person saying it, frankly.

I think he means people who disagree with him.
Some of these old timers need to understand that newer members are going to bring some new ideas to forumosa. It’s nothing personal, it’s just progress

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[quote=“eCanada, post:66, topic:203042, full:true”]

I don’t think he means it. It may be patterns of discussion or replies. It’s nothing progress or regress, it may be just a tendency of discussion ways. I don’t know whether there weren’t posters like @McNulty in the old time, though.

Btw, I cannot get the point of BD this time.

Its interesting to me because this is exactly what the Left has traditionally been accused of, and now I am seeing this whole discussion aimed at Conservatives, plus the cherry on top, calling it a “cult” of victimhood.

The sheer audacity of this thread, in the face of AOC claiming to have nearly been killed being in the Capitol building, which she wasn’t in, or seeing the caged kids, which was actually just a parking lot. Or even the Jussie Smollet fiasco in which he hired two people to beat him up, then claimed they were wearing MAGA hats and yelling racial slurs at him.

Seems to me, the only purpose of this thread is to troll.

This is pure fiction. It’s a fantasy world. If you think Jesse Smollet has anything to do with anything right now in the U.S., you are way out of touch. Nobody cares about that ish but conservatives in chat rooms.

Why are you dismissing a clear cut example of the Left faking an attack, then claiming to be the victim?

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Because ‘Jesse Smollet’ does not equal ‘The left’.

What a ridiculous argument.

You mean to say, if you were to acknowledge examples of the Left playing victim, then this whole thread and narrative about “Conservative Cult of Victimhood” would fall apart.


Do you know what ‘the left’ really wants more than anything? The same type of health care system Taiwanese have in their country. Do you agree with that goal?

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Oh no, your narrative is falling apart, quick let’s switch to healthcare discussion! :rofl:

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good point, i’d be curious to hear a response

What narrative? You made a stupid argument about Jesse Smolett.

The left wants health care. They don’t care about Jesse Smollett. You do not understand this, because you do not understand America or what you are talking about. Jesse Smollet is a red herring to distract away from real issues.

the thread title, clearly

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Weird. I thought the left hated boomers. Lots of boomers are conservatives.
