The COVID humbug thread (2021 edition)

I’ll ignore the completely obvious point that the cost of the drug in the vial is not the same thing as the cost of administering vaccines to an entire planet, and the fact that most people do not need the vaccine. The bigger picture is that several trillion USD has been dropped into a big black hole “because of COVID”. Are you seriously suggesting that we could not have spent a little bit of that money on providing care for those very few people who become seriously ill? Could we not have spent a little of it on making sure they do not get seriously ill in the first place? We’ve had 18 months to get this sorted. And yet precisely nothing was done other than “let’s pray the vaccines work” and “let’s fire the unvaxed medical staff to protect the health service”.

And now it’s been shown experimentally - and yes, it was all a big horrible experiment - that not only did the vaccines fail to do what governments promised they would (as theory predicted) but they seem to be making things worse (as theory predicted). And that, apparently, is all the fault of a few unvaxed.

Well, a good fraction are seeing the light. I know several people who obediently got shots 1 and 2 and are refusing to get their booster because they’re sick of being lied to. People are out protesting in the streets. A growing consensus seems to be: if the hospitals can’t or won’t treat us in hospital if we fall sick, then so be it. We’ll take our chances.

TPTB have two options at this point: double down on the lies and take the world into a death spiral, or get on their knees and ask for forgiveness. Whatever option they take it’s going to get ugly.

And incidentally, going on about “horse dewormer” is in the same category of stupid arguments as “the vaccines have 5G transmitters in them!”. You’re not stupid; if you can’t come up with something better than that, it suggests you’re don’t have anything better.

I’m going to put this here because it seems to have been buried in the other thread. It’s important: