The COVID humbug thread (2021 edition)

Debra Norville has aged very well.

Just following the rules. I wonder what else they would/wouldnā€™t do if the rules demanded it.

How come the nurses couldnā€™t handle it? Why werenā€™t there any doctors?

Donā€™t paramedics take sick people to hospital for help? Not the other way round.

Nice to see the young exercising their free speech (can be arrested for ā€˜offensiveā€™ words in your own home) in SNP (Scottish Nazi Party) heartland.

Wellā€¦ these guys surely have my support.

Raab: umā€¦ahā€¦uhā€¦[trying to think of a lie]ā€¦ehā€¦


Boostaz til Death

Batteries become less efficient/ donā€™t work as well the more times you charge them too.


And if you overcharge them, donā€™t they explode?
:thinking: :battery: :exploding_head:


I donā€™t think they thought this analogy through.

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Spot on:

I see the list of side effects on the paper is still blank (revealed about a year ago by nurses).



A good list and what arguments could say a Gates fan use against it:

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Do these exist?

There is a ā€˜Gatesā€™ thread here where one can view who his disciples are in there.

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Interesting read

Tetanus vaccine does work like that though, right?

Iā€™m admittedly pro-vaccine, pro-Gates but anti-Covid measures.


When you need bots to make it appear there is a ā€˜pandemicā€™, etcā€¦

Almost like a drug dealer pushing his junk.

I thought they never said it stopped transmission.

This repost is acceptable due to the state of emergency the planet is in. :earth_africa: :heart: