The COVID humbug thread (2021 edition)

Some real ‘fact checking’ (not linked/funded to corporate orthodox interests):


Before you ask, no, this has nothing to do with me.

Among other false claims, the report says some COVID vaccines include “living organism(s) with tentacles.”



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It all just gets weirder and weirder. COVID seems to be an excuse on both sides of the aisle to make stuff up, and I think a lot of people have just lost the plot. Mental health issues have skyrocketed over the last 18 months, not “because of COVID” but because of the relentless fearmongering from the authorities. Because it’s so blindingly obvious that something is afoot, there is an understandable temptation to try to guess what “it” actually is (or, of course, to close your eyes and pretend it isn’t happening). We all have our theories. I’m not sure it’s helpful to air your personal theories to colleagues if you’re Ken Weyler, though.


Apparently they were/are “unexpectedly short-staffed”, and they do have a vaccine mandate in place. Google tells me there is no connection between the two things. Hmmm.


I guess the corporate lockdown left will change their rules for their tyranny soon so ways around are removed:

For ‘white liberals’. I wonder how many knew of those experiments?:

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I think this has been mentioned a few times. Even the liberals (apparently ‘liberal’ today means ‘people who like theocracies’) seem to admit that it might have something to do with black people not being in much of a hurry to get the jab.

I notice there appears to be an increasing amount of chatter about the little issue at SouthWest Airlines below that Twitter post. This article is pretty funny, since it suggests that the dispute is, and is not, about vaccine mandates:

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Actually, it may have been a case of broken telephone originating from the claim that some doses were contaminated with Trypanosoma cruzi, which looks like this (stock image, not allegedly from vaccine):

The middle left one does sort of look tentacled (just sayin’).

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Out of curiosity, anyone know where official stats are listed on vaccine deaths in Taiwan? Any brand. Couldnt find them. After a friend died a few days after the shot a few weeks back we would like to learn more about other cases.

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As of October, 850 vaccine deaths compared to 844 Covid deaths:

Here is a breakdown by each vaccine of deaths and adverse reactions, but it’s from late August. The deaths are the bottom row, listed for AZ, Moderna and Medigen, in that order:


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What?? No way! I dont want to sound like that guy, but that cant be right…it would likely be global news forthe anti vaxxers by now. Color me shocked. Are these evidence based and credible? or is this from some KMT village leaders market campaigns to attack the dpp and society in general?

Are there any offiical statistics on this? Ie. A government/ngo/university type reporting system.

Call me normal, but taiwanese media just isnt enough.

Why? Very few people here have had Covid, but mass vaccination is well in progress. Unless Taiwan wants to isolate itself forever from the outside world, it’s not a meaningful comparison.

When a bunch of oldies get vaccinated, a lot of them were due to die at any time anyways. It just looks funny since so few have died from Covid. I’d assume all cause mortality is probably pretty stable. Where’s @finley ?

When a bunch of oldies get covid, a lot of them were due to die at any time anyways.

Keep that same logic with the covid death toll, which skews towards the elderly worldwide (you may indeed feel the same towards Covid, I’m not sure).

Great message for those who support blindly vaccinating everyone.


I definitely feel the same about Covid. Most deaths were probably the old about to die anyways or those asking to die by leading unhealthy lifestyles.

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I too believe they need to count the covid deaths fairly with the vaccine deaths.

Is there an official website with such recorded deaths from vaccinations in taiwan? I have yet to be able to find one, just media which cannot really be used as a reliable source. Would appreciate it link if anyone knows one. Can be in mandarin or english.

Imagine that.

This is how an MP should work:


As usual, those without blinkers on can see the wood from the trees at this farce. ‘Elites’ and gophers get a pass as always. The useless eaters however…
These digital papers are not for a virus.