The effectiveness or otherwise of wearing masks

That time of the month again, get your orders in before the deadline! Looks like there’s also an amnesty for those who previously purchased online but never got around to collecting the paid for masks, you can apply for them online now.

Taiwan helps where it is needed.

New designs coming

Good to know for the next pandemic

So, apparently foreigners in Taiwan can be real assholes when it comes to mask wearing rules on public transport. I’m surprised that the K-man didn’t get a hold of this one.


Since now it’s in this derelict website, it will be in K-boy articles soon.


This stinks really bad. Since they couldn’t damage the image of the health efforts, now they are throwing mud on the second pride and joy: the mask team. Really convenient to have the fake masks labelled in simplified Chinese and all.

Really stinky. Problem is locals panic easily with fake news. And talking about news, this will be milked by the blue press.

I wish that awful gaping hole of the smuggling rings from China could be eliminated once and for all. Drugs, guns, fake stuff, nothing good comes from it. But they have strong political mountains behind.

Dump the goldfish and wear the bowl!

About the Chinese masks: if it’s stamped ‘carry mask’ I would be suspicious.

Bet was organized by a Taiwanese who saw the business opportunity

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I got two boxes (60 pcs each) made in Japan.

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Fishy and fishier. So they left the labels from China in the packets? A disgruntled employee perhaps? Competitor? Who else is going this?

Carry mask is the label. Funny it is marked on the masks as most of the NHI name based distribution only say Made in Taiwan. Except the Foxconn ones, of course.

Anyone want to guess what the fine will be? I’m going for NT$30,000. :roll_eyes:


Boss claims “he was protecting his employees from overtime…too much pressure…just two days off since Lunar New Year”.

Yeah and I am Madonna.

Official release

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The mask controversy boss takes a defiant stand:



Even his wife has spoken against him. Wife is a model type, all glitter, kind of celebrity.

The Government is a bit fed up with the guy. The amount of masks being brought back is staggering and they want the guy to pay. Took them a while, should have kicked him out of the team the first time they caught him importing masks from China back in March, IMHO.


And the guy has the cojones to say the government is irrational because the world is using Chinese made masks, and a lot of medical use materials and medications come from China… But he pocketed not only the difference in price between the China masks and Taiwan made masks, but also there is the overtime and other costs pocketed. Seems the factory he bought the masks from is his too…


You have to give him credit though. He’s using Taiwanese logic. Deny, deny, deny, blame everyone else, blame everyone else, claim he did it to support his dying father, then finally in the end fess up and beg for forgiveness. And then when no one is looking, just do it again.


I really hope they deal with this guy accordingly. Massive loss of face.

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More import shenanigans, this time in Changhua:



In the case of Haw Ping, it was found to have been supplying 3D printed medical masks labeled “Made in Taiwan,” although it has no 3D mask production machines at its factory, according to Changhua prosecutors.

Dunno who’s dumber, the factory owners thinking they would not be caught or the friggin inspectors/buyers. No one caught this before?!

Seems there is another one in Chiayi…


Found a few remaining “Carry Masks” that we bought from the local pharmacy, meaning we had already used up most of what we bought. Now that I know that my family is affected, my dislike towards this guy has increased three-fold.