The EU death watch thread

Keep bringing it on out of proportion!
I will set it back straight.

Pointing out your selective amnesia when it comes to your “anti-fascist campaign.” [quote=“Hamletintaiwan, post:100, topic:85661”]
Coming to support Mr. R. ?
He does just fine on his own.

No, you may not.

Good thing you’re not in charge of government policy. What a mess that would be.

Maybe it’s time for you to take a mental shower. Your violent fantasies are starting to fester.

Hamlet wouldn’t know proportion if it kicked him in the nads.

Time to start a USA death watch thread!
I guess.

I know this is something your little heart desires so much, but you can’t always get what you want. This is the thanks we get for saving your asses from the Nazis? Geez, talk about biting the hand that feeds you…

Yup, and they were kept hostages by the “moderate rebels”, the freedom fighters who were stashing food beneath civilian buildings and hospitals for their own use, while roaming around the Eastern suburbs of Aleppo beheading families that were loyal to Assad.
With no air support it would have been impossible to liberate Aleppo because it would have been a suicide for the Syrian army.
Because you know that Aleppo has been liberated right before Christmas, right? And you know that Syrian citizens are thankful to Russia for their help against the “moderate rebels” and Isis, yes? I’m sure you’re well informed on the conflict in Syria and you’re well aware of the different terrorist groups, who supports them, where they get money from etc etc.

You go ahead and start that thread. It’ll be fun.

Every time you try to ape your betters, you make an ass of yourself. You miss the fine points.

On the other hand, those on the right who took Alinsky to heart are doing quite well. A level playing field favors the better team.

If you want to have a sensible argument about which union will die first, you need to have a clear definition of death.

(I do realize the irony of talking about sensible arguments here, but I have too much free time today.)

If the UK separates from the EU, and then the UK “dies”, does that count as the death of part of the EU? I think most people would say no.

If the UK revokes its decision to separate but “dies” anyway, does that count as the death of part of the EU?

What number of EU member states need to “die” for the analysts at Rowlandia Inc. to have a victory dance? Does each member state’s importance depend on its population? On its GDP? And so on…

If the union collapses but not the actual states or not x of the actual states, does that count as “death”?

If the whole world goes to hell, but x states in the EU are slightly less hellish than the global average, does that count as “death”?

Same questions mutatis mutandis for America.

Yes, of course. That would be a good death.

Really, why do you even need to ask?

You sound like that guy who has a friend who owes him.

My heart does not desire this world falling into little pieces of selfish shit who will fight each other over recourses.

You did not help us, or better, help my grandparents, that’s how long ago this is.

So what does your heart desire with this little EU death watch thread?

However, it would look more like the aftermath of the little storm Katrina.
Will be very interesting to see how the US falls apart.

Interesting! So Interesting!

Deadbeat friends are the worst.

Well, looks like the Eurosponges will finally start to pay their fair share into NATO. That’s an improvement.

Pieces of selfish shit, indeed. And zero self awareness in some cases.

Fair share into what?
Fighting wars based on lies?
Didn’t Bush and his gang destabilize the middle east. And who takes in all the refugees? The USA?
Where is your fair share?

All you can do and did the past 20 years was to set everything on fire.

Your thesis is that the EU is on its deathbed, so we should all take note and adjust our plans accordingly. Right?

But take note of what, exactly? And adjust how? The EU can “die” without Europe dying, or vice-versa. If you want people to adjust their plans according to your great wisdom, or even if you just want to stick your tongue out and say told-ya-so to Ameriskeptics like Hamlet, I think you should be a little more specific. :2cents:

There’s a point of diminishing returns to spelling things out for those who don’t get it. Some people never will get it.

That’s why I hesitate to explain the obvious.

Okay, the argument about which union will “die” first is pointless because everything is obvious, and you will say you told us all so, no matter what happens.

I wish you a pleasant, death-free day. :bowing:

And yet you say nothing about how Obama and Hillary Clinton created the Syrian war in the first place. Obama armed ISIS and Syrian “rebels” to overthrow Assad. Those groups massacred lots of Christians which Obama denied refugee status to (which I would imagine liberals are probably happy about), destroyed lots of the country, killed lots of innocent civilians, and raped lots of women.

The US government before Trump (that would be Obama and Hillary) is responsible for creating the chaos in Syria, all to continue the US government’s policy of regime change and overthrow the Syrian government.

You also forgot to mention how Obama and Hillary destabilized most of North Africa, especially Libya.

That tells us all we need to know about Obama, Hillary, and their supporters.

So you’re saying Germany (and Europe) would have been better off if we’d left the Nazis in charge? That seems a little controversial. [quote=“Hamletintaiwan, post:110, topic:85661”]
So what does your heart desire with this little EU death watch thread?

It would be nice if European countries had their full sovereignty restored. I mean, who wants to be ruled by a cabal of shadowy, unelected bureaucrats in Brussels?

The Euro doesn’t seem to be working out too well either. Euro Zone countries should have control over their own fiscal policy…not that they’d make good use of it, but at least they’d own it.

Point one: No, I am saying that your ass personal was not on the line helping us and I did not exist to be helped.

Point two: You just showed us that you are no more than one of those populists distributing false Ideas about the European parliament.

How are EU leaders elected?
It is the body which proposes new legislation, draws up the EU’s annual budget and manages and supervises EU funding. The Commission consists of 28 members, one from each member state. Its president is nominated by the national leaders and then elected by the European Parliament by majority vote.Jun 6, 2016

I have to admit, it’s a little complicated.
However, the key-point here is, that you claim they are not democratically elected which is false.

False News!

Since when is Obama European?
I thought he was American therefore, your responsibility and his mess is yours to clean up.