The everything is nice and people are nice thread

Tried for half an hour to think of something nice to say. Giving up now :roll_eyes:


It’s the thinking that counts.

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Hang in there, buddy. We know you have it in you! I love your icon, by the way.


You guys are saying really nice things.


Okokok I got something!

I am also part of a Facebook group (“my nationality in Taiwan” sort of thing) and their mods seriously piss me off. Righteous bunch of know-it-alls. So I would like to take this opportunity to thank this forum and the mods to let me vent my frustrations as an underemployed foreigner far away from home and not telling me to get lost. Thanks guys and girls!


Thanks for bringing your special brand of sunshine to the thread, tando!

Fresh coffee is nice. My old drip coffeemaker died and I was grossed out by the water reservoir while trying to repair it. I replaced it with a Tiamo moka pot. good coffee.


This view is nice.


They are great, great people, fine people on both sides, nice people!

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More like EXQUISITE!!
I got one a few years ago (I’m now on my third), and I start every weekend/holiday morning greeting the dawn with a big fat mug of Cuban (preferably before everyone else is up) and a high quality locally produced tobacco product.
No matter what else happens all the rest of the day, for fifteen glorious minutes, I’m Anthony fucking Quinn…

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That’s not a Moka pot, that’s an espresso pot, nice tho! Good coffee too!

Of course it’s a Moka pot

Stovetop Espresso Maker

But it’s nice, for good people, beautiful. Excellent coffee, easy.

One thing, two names. And it makes awesome coffee. That’s wonderful.

But there is Moka and Mokka, different but good, nice to know.

Also Mocha.

French presses make good coffee too. I have a French press and a Moka pot, and use one or the other depending on my mood. Coffee is amazing!

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Everyone’s use of proper punctuation and capitalization in this thread is nice.


'Unless you are Italian, it’s easy to get confused about the difference between a moka coffee and a mocha coffee. ', which is a good thing, nice people the Italians.

Why do others make it difficult an call that thing a Moka pot? It’s beautiful, but confusing!

Because there is Mocha coffee and Mocha coffee.

I’ve had my lunch and enjoying my latte. The office is quiet. Nice.