The expert thread

It’s still not the total collapse of the health system.

Yeah but it was a near miss…without lockdown in East, North and Paris that would easily have been…

Possibly, but there is no evidence to support that supposition. National health systems collapsed nowhere, even in countries where no lockdown took place.

It’s simple math in one particular case, cases were already growing exponentially.

Does not necessarily applies to other countries…depends how early you take it.

Total health system collapse hasn’t happened in any country. It’s something that has yet to occur. That’s historical fact as opposed to simple math.

You are the king of generalization my boss.

OK, specifically no single country has experienced a total collapse of its health system. This includes countries that didn’t use lockdown to flatten the curve.

You mean not in first world countries…Bolivia looks critical.

Haiti is worse.

OK, you think lockdowns are effective and I don’t. Let’s leave it at that. You’re winning as a third of the planet’s countries are having a crack at lockdown.

Interesting that I came back to this post after a month away. Forumosa showed me the last posts after I left–Rowland touting rising cases but a low mortality rate as others predicted mortality would follow the rising load. Now a month later and the US is reliably doing 1000+ deaths a day and Covid is predictably cycling through the country. Will this in any way change his perspective? Nope, it’s all going to be a hoax. It’s going to a be a hoax for everyone until they see actual sick and dead friends. Still grateful that Taiwan has a whole stable of experts while the US is following its gut.

Ok but, there is a big difference between being effective and necessary.

Necessary but ineffective. OK

Highly debatable, but let’s leave it there.

Not sure whether Italy counts as first world. They have a terrible track record with epidemics. Not sure whether to blame socialized medicine or the elderly population.

Dude, there’s charts and everything.

All you need to decide is whether to trust the data.


As for knowing somebody who died of it, or knowing somebody who knows somebody who died of it, or even knowing somebody who knew somebody who was symptomatic… I’ll cross that bridge when I come to it. Now go breathe into a paper bag.

Thank for the response…Not even worth discussing, I can forget about it know.

The overly specialized ultimately understand nothing. Sometimes they’re made aware of their own limitations:

Experts see everything coming except the things that actually happen.

Calling others idiots does not strengthen an argument. Masks are PART of the response. But they need to be worn properly and consistently, and that is not happening in many areas.

Or as HAL 9000 would put it, user error.