The Good Things In Life

Some things, you just can’t put a price on.

It’s the Lady’s Choice, of course. (with real bacon)

watching all my favorite news shows on sunday: hardball with chris matthews, meet the press, this week with george stephanopulos, 60 minutes

My girl, of course. :slight_smile:

1)Waking up every morning to birds chirping.
2)Waking up every morning without manic depression
3)Walking in peace and warm weather with my two dogs
4)Having shelter, food, and clothing
5)Living in a country were my safety isn’t an issue
6)Having my health
7)Being free of stress
8)Having autonomy
9)Being able to go to the local community college and use their Mac’s for free
10)Having choices and being able to make them
11)Having possibility to create whatever I want in life
12)Having travelled and lived in several foriegn countries
13)Having my life touched and changed for the better by all the forumosans I’ve meet online and off.
14)Having peace on my heart
15)Being able to speak another language
16)Losing a mother to breast cancer to understand how valuable life is
17)Having two dogs
18)Having my needs taken care of when I need to do so
19)Having a job
20)Having an education and the opportunity to gain more
21)No debt
22)Living close to nature, again
23)Jesus :smiley:
24)Making other people laugh
25)Seeing children realize their own potiental

I have to take issue with #1 on your list. I have long wished for a mini flamethrower to torch the birds that squack, chirp, warble, and coo outside my bedroom window starting at 4:45am. :fume:

[quote=“Mother Theresa”]My girl, of course. :slight_smile:


She is so cute!!! Amazing gift, isn’t she? :slight_smile:

She is pretty damned cute. I don’t even like kids and I think she’s cute.

Thanks ladies. :slight_smile: :blush:

But I’m sad to report that tragedy has struck.

Our girl started attending school just a couple weeks ago. At first it seemed great. She loved all the new activities, all the new kids to play with, the regular romps in the park together.

Then last Friday they announced that she’s in the dinosaur class. The DINOSAUR class??? She can’t be a dinosaur; she’s always been a monkey. She bounces on the bed like a monkey, makes monkey noises, tell us we’re monkey daddy and monkey mommy and she’s monkey jiejie. And now they expect he to be a dinosaur – a dry, scaly, giant ferocious, extinct dinasaur. So she burst into tears.

I spent the whole weekend buying dinosaur books and puzzles with her, walking and roaring like a dinosaur and extolling the virtues of dinosaurs. But they might as well have told her she was a man. Yesterday was a sad day in school and last night she cried intermittenly in her sleep.

We’ll get past this, but in the spirit of this thread I want to announce something else that is good – monkeys. Soft, hairy, warm, lovable monkeys. Just don’t tell my girl I said that.

MT, you’ll just have to tell her about the monkeysaurus. :wink:

I have to take issue with #1 on your list. I have long wished for a mini flamethrower to torch the birds that squack, chirp, warble, and coo outside my bedroom window starting at 4:45am. :fume:[/quote]

I used to have that same issue, when deep in the bowels of depression. Now I’m free of that dammed demon, I’m like this with the birds:


I have to take issue with #1 on your list. I have long wished for a mini flamethrower to torch the birds that squack, chirp, warble, and coo outside my bedroom window starting at 4:45am. :fume:[/quote]

I used to have that same issue, when deep in the bowels of depression. Now I’m free of that dammed demon, I’m like this with the birds:


I’m most certainly not deep in the bowels of depression, but I do have bird trouble. I just want to sleep!! Till 7am!! Please!!! :taz:

Back to the topic at hand, also among the good things in life - the Zamboni.

I used to have wild pigeon nested in my balcony, cooing around, so that I often had dreamed of BBQ pigeon feast.


I’m most certainly not deep in the bowels of depression, but I do have bird trouble. I just want to sleep!! Till 7am!! Please!!! :taz:

No I get you also. All that cooing can drive you a bit :loco:

The good things in life …hmm,I bought a Wii yesterday! :slight_smile: