Goodbye. Have a safe trip and I hope the shock of living among the “Foreigners” doesn’t muck you up too bad.
Goodbye. Have a safe trip and I hope the shock of living among the “Foreigners” doesn’t muck you up too bad.
Nama -
I wish you much happiness and joy in your return to Chicago. You have had much that many will never know.
Be safe and May The Good Lord Bless You.
I am sorry that we never met.
All the best,
(you know how to contact me)
Good luck, girl. Get that sofa ready for when I move in this summer!
Just kidding.
Not really…
So I finally meet you, the day before you leave…
Good luck with all your future endeavors. And wrap up warm.
Namahottie was the first forumosan I met. Made for a pretty good laugh when I showed up at my first Happy Hour and saw the hottie from work. “What are YOU doin’ here?!”
Good travels. Luck, success, peace, joy.
I wish I’d met you much earlier, I guess you’re fun person to be with and have a drink and a good laugh.
Have a safe trip back home to the windy city … must be cold there now … good bye
Goodbye and good luck, Namahottie - we’ll miss you. Don’t forget to stop by and share your new adventures with us!
No one leaves Taiwan. They just take “extended” breaks. See you soon!
Good luck Nammahottie.
This is a nice thought, jd.
Nama, all the best to you and your family. I wish you strength, health, love, enough of everything else you need, and not too much of what you don’t need.
Best of luck with everything, Namahottie! And I hope you carry on posting on Forumosa from time to time. Let us know how everything goes.
Take care,
So, before I click my heels three times, I want to say thank you because many of you mentioned and not, made a huge difference in my life. I can say that I am a happier and better person for having known all of you, on and offline. So………
Erhu- Thank you for showing me the power of a friendship and helping me recognize things in myself that I hadn’t seen or needed to let go of. If you come with me, you may get sucked in to vortex.
Roach- - Thanks for a shite full of laughter, letting me rant on and on and reflecting back to me lessons I needed to learn.
Miltownkid- - Man this is just the beginning. Thanks for beginning there, for the laughter, for the unconditional support, for helping me discover new avenues in life, and for possibilities. You are the definition of this saying “I dwell in possibility”.
Tainan Cowboy- - For understanding my humor, and always sharing something good of interest.
Stray Dog and Bobepine- - Thanks for peanut. The arguments and the assistance to make the trip. For the RAW food diet book. I’ll make sure to send a proper update
Juba- - For giving me my first child. I’ll send pics.
Maoman, maowoman and Maobaby- - Best of luck. Thanks for inviting me in and showing me the ropes with Chocky.
Fred Smith- - For a hilarious time at a Fredfest. I have never met someone who is as gregarious as you are. Thanks for at least getting me to think outside the box. You are still “wrong” about the vochuers. See you on Capital Hill.
JDSmith- - 1) for starting this thread 2) for your honesty and 3) for just being a well rounded, determined person. JDson is gonna be alright! :bravo:
Dragonbones- -When you gonna make an honest senora out of Dragonbabe?!?!
Dragonbabe- - For posting some funny ass Japanese videos.
Frost- - If you want some Jay’s Potato Chips you better pm me.
Chris and Edgar Allen- - If it doesn’t work out, let me know. I’ll be your xiao tai tai
Bob- - you crazy fool. Now who are gonna antagonize now that’ll be gone? XXOXOX
Buttercup- - Good to meet you to. Take care and be well.
Hartzell- - Keep fighting the power. We need you!!
SuchAFob- - Thanks for everything~!!! Keep in touch.
Pubba- - Keep us posted on your on version of “Sex in The City” in Taiwan. Should be interesting.
Rantheman- -Ah, can’t argue with ya anymore.
theposter- - Keep posting on why Taiwan “sucks”, playing good music and stay way from knives.
Broonale- - Someday you’ll be free my friend. Until then, broonNelsonMandelaale
Loretta- -I know you are lurking. Take care of yourself
Yellow Cartman- Thank you for your friendship. And for having my back when shite hit the fan at work.
MaPosquid- - thanks for my name change. You altered my world with that!!
Belguim Pie- - Best of luck in your new adventures and for a good time at every happy hour I saw you at.
ImanioU- - You must have been my mom’s kid, because I know I hate teaching. As for that couch, where ever you land, and if I’m there, don’t even think about not calling me. Mi casa su casa. Thanks for one of the best birthday cards I have gotten in a long ass time. You better keep in touch.
Engima- - Thanks for coffee and the X-Mas invite. Sorry I couldn’t make it. Got lost. But keep posting the ‘xxx for the small kitchen’. And when I come back, I am expecting some Mexican food!!!
Irishstu- - keep posting those crazy threads. People are bored at work!
Tash- - it was good to finally sit down with you. You are as classy as the guys have told me.
TavernCaptain- - I love ya. Will miss ya. I will make sure that I see ya when I come back!
Sandman- - I’m gonna be a judge in that first male contest you enter. So, I can check for stap-ons and such. Grrr, you sexy man.
Ratlung and Ratbrain- - we have to have lunch. I gotta have someone to ‘rant’ to about the foreignness of Chicago.
Tigerman- - Yes, it’s been a long strange trip. Yes that’s the only lyric I know. But thanks for the CDs. I’m sorry I never got to meet your family. Thanks for the support when I needed it. And for always making me feel like I mattered. You’re a great guy.
TomHill- - you silly rabbit. Take care of yourself.
MJB and The Ginger Man- - You guys take care of Mark you hear?!. Thanks for everything . MJB you’re a great guy.
Funk 500- - Take care of yourself.
Momma Teresa- - Great to have “known” you. Hope our paths cross one day!
R. Daneel Olivaw- - Keep up the good posts. Too bad we never met. I would have liked to pick your brain.
Tunnel 88- - for keeping my liver in tip top shape while I’ve been here.
Lupillus- - Great to have meet you!
Mordeth- -Keep up the videos on :bravo:
Nonsequitur- - glad to have meet you. Make sure you keep in touch.
Jaboney- -take care of yourself. It was great meeting you the same way. I had a good laugh that night.
Dangermouse- - Take care of that precious ‘package’ you have. It only comes around a few times in life. Venture far and wide but make an impact where ever you go.
Jesus For making me understand the serenity prayer, especially when driving in Taiwan.
And to Taiwan, you crazy bitch! You got under my skin and like Sinatra says “I get a kick out of you”
Okay, that’s it . If I left you out, scream at me on the board so I can give you your own post. Be well all, thank you for everything. Each and everyone who I’ve meet in life and on this board have made a difference that you will never know. And I love you for it.
Namaste and much love and wish each and everyone blessings for the new year,
Why do I get roped in with that seedy Bobepine character?
Best of luck with everything. Sincere best wishes and all.
Nama, you’ll be back. Spare room is always made up and I’ll put that Christmas dinner on ice for awhile or we can do some ass kickin’ Mex when you arrive. We’ll miss you. Keep in touch.
[quote=“Stray Dog”]Why do I get roped in with that seedy Bobepine character? [/quote]I feel for you, mate. Same happens to me all the time.
All the best Namahottie . Please dont be a stranger!
All the best, Namahottie!
Best wishes for a fantastic future. Keep us posted on how you’re doing. I think they have the intarweb in the US.
Yadda Yadda, can I have my edit fuction back? Pretty Please.
You had better come back for a few funky Happy Hours. Have fun and post some pics of your new home!