The GOP's House of Representatives Thread

All Trump’s endorsements lost and are likely to lose. Hopefully, this signals the end of his influence.

I think republicans would be wise to throw their backing behind Desantis.

Trumps biggest advantage was that he wasn’t a politician and had no political baggage. This was imo the downfall of Clinton, too much baggage to attack.

Trump’s inexperience led to the bullshit political tomfuckery that the dnc and Clinton campaign threw at him. He had no idea what was happening or how to shut it down. Just kept blabbing.

You mean other than the ones that won?


There are millions of people with that advantage. We can do better.

To your point, Tim Ryan’s concession speech is an example to all.

In saying that it was a “privilege to concede” to Vance, Ryan reminded voters that doing otherwise is disrespectful to democracy.

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I guess Putin is too busy in Ukraine for anyone to believe he had time to throw the senatorial election in Ohio.


Make a donation now to help us win this race so JD Vance never gets anywhere near the United States Senate.

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Rumble, cool.

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So this is where America is at. People are glad that the losing party accepted the results. :rofl:

Talk about a third word banana republic low bar.

You understand that this didn’t happen in 2016, yeah? You know, The Resistance and pussy hats and all that. Lol

Young people have a memory akin to a string of TikTok videos. :grandpa:

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uh, except women’s march (where pussycats were everywhere) was a peaceful women’s rights rally. Not exactly the same. In reaction to him, not happy about the results, but accepting of it. Here’s contemporaneous reporting about it:

There were also riots however


All great thoughts begin thusly. :laughing:

Yeah, hardly. All those shouts of “Not my president!”

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Within hours, folks. Hours. Imagine if 1/6 happened within that kind of time frame, with no time for armed militant morons to have hatched an ideer. Uh, you don’t have to. Wrong party. The knee jerk bad behavior is primarily on the far side.

Signs! For years! At the end of driveways. TAF?

that article was not exactly about the pussy hat group I was writing in response to. :wink:

sometimes you have to capture the wtf of it. :wink:

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Right. Just saying.

Trump was not my president. That means he didn’t represent me and my values - and moreso, didn’t give a fuck about it- not that he wasn’t the legitimate president.