The Great Reset

Those behind the ‘Great Reset’ claim this claptrap:

So you an astrophysicist now.
I learn something new every day.

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Sounds like you believe it.
Your faith is strong.

Since you apparently didn’t read it (I know-words of more than one syllable are hard for some), the conclusion-

We can imagine a scenario many millions of years in the future when multiple LIPs randomly occurring at the same time could cause Earth to have such runaway climate change leading to conditions like present-day Venus.
Richard Ernst PhD, P.Geo

Let me guess- you, being an expert, unlike Professor Ernst, will tell us what the climate on Earth will be like millions of years from now, by shaking your Magic 8-Ball.


I guess smart smug sanctimonious ones like yourself would also believe the moon was made of cheese if Professor Ernst said so.
It’s ironic that you would take his word as fact and claim the elections in the States were 100% fair.

Please include this in all of your posts. Thanks!

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The global economy is now five or six years backward now due to the pandemic.

The Asian economy has shed some of the recent decades of development.

My only hope is that the open societies and liberal democracies globally can continue to flourish in this century and beyond perpetually .

I certainly will do when engaging to your bollox.

He was modelling Venus’s past- “less than one billion years ago”- and also speculating that similar events may happen in the on Earth where “we can imagine a scenario many millions of years in the future when multiple LIPs [Large Igneous Events, like those which formed the Deccan Traps] randomly occurring at the same time could cause Earth to have such runaway climate change leading to conditions like present-day Venus.”
My best guess is you saw this on some wacko right-wing site where the poster just saw the words “climate change” in the headline, and, not bothering to read the article, posted it to own the libs: “Hur, hur, some ivory-tower intellectual says because of climate change the word is gonna end up like Venus.”


What is it, specifically, that you consider claptrap? Have you read the article or the study it describes? Did you understand it?

It seems they did some modelling of Venus’s atmosphere a billion years or so ago based on satellite observations of the current state. I’m not sure what you could possibly have a problem with there?

Is it just that you don’t like the idea of global warming in general, so you think this must be false?

Or maybe he finds it amusing that an organization made up of private jet-setting global elites and mega-corporations who are largely responsible for destroying the planet is tweeting about climate change on Venus with the implied suggestion that the same fate might befall earth?

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The bizarre thing is apparently someone’s trying to draw a relevant connection to anthropological climate change

That sounds like something he should take up with the World Economic Forum, or whatever intern they’ve got doing their social media.

The original article has nothing to do with anthropological climate change- it talks about the possible effects on the climate of Large Igneous Events i.e. massive lava flows like the Deccan traps or the Yellowstone eruption. Earth has been much hotter in the past, like the Early Carboniferous, and much colder, as in the “Snowball Earth” in the Pre-Cambrian (both long before there were people).
Such large transformations have nothing to do with AGW.
It’s like somebody talking about the asteroid impact theory of the disappearance of the dinosaurs, and someone else jumping in with evidence that human space junk poses no danger to satellites. It is interesting, and may be true, but has nothing to do with the topic under discussion.


Just a coincidence these people are dropping this term into their speeches.

Maybe they all go to the same chiropractor? Sounds like one of those slogans on the walls of every supervisor’s office starting in the 90’s.

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World leaders pledge a ‘great reset’ after the pandemic

All the characters are at Davos.
Seems Putin is the only one who questions Klaus and his fascism.

If I were being cynical, I might imagine that these cnuts have deliberately destroyed the Western economy so they can rebuild it in a way that suits them better.

I disagree about the impact on “the poor”, though. They had nothing to begin with and they still have nothing. Many of them are illiterate and unemployed/unemployable and expect to remain so for the rest of their lives. From where I’m standing, COVID-19 has barely affected them. Most of them don’t even know what COVID-19 is.

The ones who will be hit hardest (with deliberate intent, IMO) are the emerging middle classes - those who worked hard, scraped together some savings, bought some property, put up a small business, etc. They’ve been reamed with a very large stick. They will not recover at all - not only have they had their life’s work snatched away from them, they are now cowed and demoralized and inclined to just accept their fate. They are the target of the “great reset”. They’ve been Ctrl-Alt-Del’ed back into poverty, and that’s the way the oligarchs like it.