The Guy from Boston about the US Congress

This guy is great…real people do talk like this…and think this way. Scares the panties off a lotta the elites…HAHHAHAHAHAHAaaaaaa!!!

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The Guy from Boston

turn up the volume…this guy is great…:smiley:

The Guy from Boston - “I got the Balls to Say What You’re Thinkin’”

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turn it up!

Beauty! Another dumb fat yank spewing attitude! You know there’s really not enough of this sort of thing.


Fat or not what he says is interesting and I agree with him :bravo:

[quote=“TainanCowboy”]This guy is great…real people do talk like this…and think this way. Scares the panties off a lotta the elites…HAHHAHAHAHAHAaaaaaa!!!

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The Guy from Boston

turn up the volume…this guy is great…:smiley:[/quote]
He’s an idiot and an excellent example of the lowest common denominator that is held up as Joe Everyman in our deluded “I’m ok, you’re ok” society where anything goes unless it smacks of excellence. Then it is held up as “elitism”. :unamused:

Hey, you can’t talk about TainanCowboy that way.

Edit: Oh, you mean the guy from boston. NOW i get it.

[quote=“Maoman”][quote=“TainanCowboy”]This guy is great…real people do talk like this…and think this way. Scares the panties off a lotta the elites…HAHHAHAHAHAHAaaaaaa!!!

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The Guy from Boston

turn up the volume…this guy is great…:smiley:[/quote]
He’s an idiot and an excellent example of the lowest common denominator that is held up as Joe Everyman in our deluded “I’m ok, you’re ok” society where anything goes unless it smacks of excellence. Then it is held up as “elitism”. :unamused:[/quote]
He’s an entertainer who has found a shtick. Like I said…it twists some panties.

p.s…he doesn’t mention Canadians or expat Aussie Lager Louts.

[quote=“Maoman”][quote=“TainanCowboy”]This guy is great…real people do talk like this…and think this way. Scares the panties off a lotta the elites…HAHHAHAHAHAHAaaaaaa!!!

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The Guy from Boston

turn up the volume…this guy is great…:smiley:[/quote]
He’s an idiot and an excellent example of the lowest common denominator that is held up as Joe Everyman in our deluded “I’m ok, you’re ok” society where anything goes unless it smacks of excellence. Then it is held up as “elitism”. :unamused:[/quote]

and what is wrong with Joe Everyman ?

oh and you are not deluded ? :unamused: Sounds like you are elitist.

I must be careful however as you are a moderator, I might get suspended again :smiley: :smiley: :slight_smile: :smiley: :laughing:

He’s not saying he’s against Joe Everyman, brainiac. He’s saying he’s against the inaccurate portrayal of said everyman, especially by idiots. Even I can see that, and I’m not a moderator.

I agree completely.

And TC, mouthbreathing, low class idiots don’t scare elites, as far as I know.

I’m on the fence on this one. I think his description of Congress was telling, but everything from his comment about gun control on was both rude and partisan.

And I don’t think he’s the average Joe. He’s Rick Rude. Average Joe plays Dodgeball.

Here’s a dirty little secret about MA: despite our reputation, there are a surprising number of conservatives in our state. The vast majority of my friends from back home and family members on my step-mom’s side are politically and personality-wise much closer to this guy rather than the People’s Republic of Cambridge-esque kooky liberals people tend to think of. Hell, my hometown went slightly in favor of Bush. Even a sophisticated, erudite Bostonite like myself talks and swears like this after a couple of beers.

Nonetheless, it was a pretty weak video. Poor production values, poor delivery, hackneyed points. Oh my God, did he just say that members of Congress were all rotten?! I never would have had the balls to say that myself. :unamused:

The Guy from Boston talks about New York Pizza

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