Why do people keep doing it? My boss is talking to some ladies next door, and one of them seems to have fun agreeing with my boss. She acknowledges every word with an “Hmmm”. Hmmmmm Hmmmmm HmmHmmHmm Hm Hm HmmmHmmm…
I need to close the door…
Why do people keep doing it? My boss is talking to some ladies next door, and one of them seems to have fun agreeing with my boss. She acknowledges every word with an “Hmmm”. Hmmmmm Hmmmmm HmmHmmHmm Hm Hm HmmmHmmm…
I need to close the door…
You are already too long in Taiwan. In most western countries people do a :
And not on every word.
Could be worse. She could be picking her teeth or trying to suck her leftover breakfeast out of her teeth with a constant “sshhhhh, ssssshhhhhh, sshhhhh” sound, as my taxi driver was doing for the whole ride this morning.
Incidentally, I didn’t click on this thread at first because I thought it concerned some silly British subject, as in Her Majesties M_____ M_____.
AAAAARRRRRGHGGGGHHHHH!!! I think you avatar is doing an Hmm right there.
At least you weren’t trying to read about matrix logarithms and decompositions while you were in the taxi, but I can certainly feel your pain.
No, I would never do that. I only discuss really serious matters when trying to procrastinate.
Hmmm count up to 107 in the last 15 minutes.
Hmmm… interesting.
Stopped counting at 135, plus I must have missed some in the beginning, as I was not counting right away, only once I got annoyed.
It has come to my ears that not only I am wondering about the way Hmm is said by locals, but locals do find the way foreigners acknowledge a statement funny: Hmm2Hmm4 seems to be foreign to them.
haow haow haow haow haow…haow haow…haoooow…
I caught my self "Mm!’ ing for ‘yes’ a lot when I was home.
People would ask me a uestion and I would say “Mm!” And then say “oh shit, Yes!”
How many times does one need to say “yes” to be understood? “D…D…D…D…D…D…Dui.”
[quote=“SuchAFob”]I caught my self "Mm!’ ing for ‘yes’ a lot when I was home.
People would ask me a uestion and I would say “Mm!” And then say “oh shit, Yes!”[/quote]
It seems to invectatious. First irishstu, then jaboney, SuchAFob, and I believe I caught it too. Although it is only in the beginnings and it only happened once or twice. Must be some sort of virus, or bacterial infection.
I would not mind the occational dui or xie xie. I guess it is the frequency. Why don’t they just say “San Ge Hmm!!” “Wu Ge Dui!!”
uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh??? What?
3 times, dui A!!!
Ratlung, you might want to take a look around the corner and see what is actually going on.
Maybe they are having some sort of rampant workplace sex, and just keeping one side of the conversation to fool you.
[quote=“Truant”]Ratlung, you might want to take a look around the corner and see what is actually going on.
Maybe they are having some sort of rampant workplace sex, and just keeping one side of the conversation to fool you.[/quote]
That is the first thing that came into my mind when I heard “HmmmHmmmHmmmmm” so I double checked before I posted. Do local women really acknowledge every thrust with an “Hmmm” ? I would not think so. At least it would confuse and irritate me as a partner in that kind of exchange.