I read his book. Liked it. Then saw that he was going full MAGA and ignored him. Looks like he may be a Senator soon.
Much has been made of Vance’s supposed “pivot” from Never Trumper to Trumpian darling. But when he made his name with the bestselling Hillbilly Elegy , Vance gave voice to the justified anger of the rural poor—concerns which he believes can find their best political expression in Trump and Trumpism. Initially, like many people, he was concerned that Trump might be drumming up populist energy only to manipulate it for his own cynical ends. Today, though, he sees that Trump spoke to and for the same despised and ignored segment of the population that Vance wrote about in his book.
Vance acknowledged this when he said: “The question presented in this primary was, ‘Do we want a border that protects our citizens? Do we want to ship our jobs to China or keep them right here in America for American workers? Do we want a Republican Party who stands for the donors who write checks to the Club for Growth or do we want the Republican Party for the people right here in Ohio?” That is the heart of the matter. Reasonable conservatives can argue, and will continue to argue, over whether Trump is the most effective spokesman for this message going forward. But that does not compromise the essential clarity of the new Right’s message.
It is a winning message. Like Glenn Youngkin’s victory in Virginia, Vance’s win indicates that people of every race and both sexes are justly incensed when they learn about the divisive poison of the new Left’s racial tribalism, and when they see the ravages of transhumanist ideology in their communities. The new Right’s message is simply that Americans will not stand to see their productive capacities eroded, the wealth of their nation leeched away in foreign lands, and their children’s psyches compromised by invasive digital and ideological catechesis.
“I mean a couple of days before the primary, after I think we kind of already locked it up, we were way ahead of the polls, a Republican donor group put $2 million on TV to attack me which really didn’t hurt my candidacy against the other Republican, it actually just hurt me against the Democrats. My candidacy revealed an incredible amount of corruption in our own party and I think that’s some of things I do have to fight against. Tim Ryan, who I am running against, is a total fraud but we also have to fight against the corruption in our own party,” Vance told Carlson.
A lot of blue collar folks will like that. I sure will.
And the smears? Well, they’re par for the course with the dems: Russia Russia Russia
This is more in line with what I am experiencing. Ukraine is a long ways away and it seems important to international kleptocrats and their wayward sons.
Ohio U.S. Senate candidate J.D. Vance’s views on women have been unambiguous for some time now—he’s previously called rape “inconvenient” and said abortion is as morally reprehensible as slavery—but just in case anyone wasn’t fully aware of his stance, a recently unearthed clip featuring the venture capitalist makes it unequivocal.
Speaking to Pacifica Christian High School last September, with the interview published by Vice News on Monday, Vance claimed that divorce inflicts terrible harm on children and that it would be better for people in unhappy marriages to stay together, even if said marriages are “violent.” Vance told the audience: “My grandparents had an incredibly chaotic marriage in a lot of ways. But they never got divorced. They were together to the end, till death do us part—that was a really important thing to my grandmother and my grandfather. That was clearly not true by the ’70s or ’80s. And I think that probably, I was personally, and a lot the kids in my community who grew up in my generation, personally suffered from the fact that a lot of moms and dads saw marriage as a basic contract, like any other business deal. Once it becomes no longer good for one of the parties or both of the parties, you just dissolve it and go on to a new business relationship. But that recognition that marriage was sacred I think was a really powerful thing that held a lot of families together. And when it disappeared, unfortunately a lot of kids suffered.” Vance opined that “it’s easy but also probably true to blame the sexual revolution of the 1960s” for this."
He’s not the first person to say that divorce adversely effects children. He must be a Nazi, huh? Have you read his book, @MikeN1 or did you see the trailer for the movie and went with that? I read his book. It was interesting. I’m saddened that he’s using Trump’s coattails to make political inroads, but hey, once elected, pretty much there for life and can do what he wants.
The debate, which was hosted by Fox 8 in Cleveland, included questions about hot-button issues roiling the nation, including abortion, immigration, border security, and the fentanyl epidemic. The moderators asked Vance about the claim by his opponent that he was a Silicon Valley “vulture capitalist” who is out of touch with the needs of ordinary Ohioans.
“I was born and raised in the state, and the reason I left when I was 18 was to enlist in the United States Marine Corps,” Vance replied. “That was the first time I ever left the state of Ohio. I went to Ohio State University. I started a business here, I raised my three small children here.” Then, in what would become a pattern in Vance’s stellar debate performance, he turned the question around on Ryan: “This is a ridiculous accusation from a guy, by the way, 20 years in Washington, who has never actually had to employ people and has never actually created a single job.” He pointed out that Ryan represents a congressional district that has lost 50,000 jobs… Those of us who create jobs know what it’s like when you have bad policies, and we know what it’s like when you have good policies.”
Ryan responded by attacking Vance’s donors and accusing him of hiring foreign workers: “You think we’re stupid, J.D., and we’re not. I’m just telling you that you are from Silicon Valley. You don’t understand what’s going on here in Ohio… Now you want to parachute into Ohio, and you want to try to buy a Senate seat. It’s not gonna work because everybody can sniff it out.”
I said repeatedly on the record that I think that girl should be able to get an abortion if she and her family so choose to do so. But let’s talk about that case. Why was a 10-year-old girl raped in our community, raped in our state in the first place?
The thing the media and Congressman Ryan, they talk about this all the time, the thing they never mention is that poor girl was raped by an illegal alien. Somebody that should have never been in this state in the first place.
You voted so many times against border wall funding, so many times for amnesty, Tim. If you had done your job, she would have never been raped in the first place. Do your job on border security, don’t lecture me about opinions I don’t actually have.
From the economy to border issues to rampant crime, JD Vance powerfully made the case that Ohioans should “hire” him to be their senator. Vance represents the future of patriotic populism in America. He combines blue collar grit with a sophisticated intellectual grasp of the pivotal policy points.
A bit of gush for Vance, but not much I disagree with. Career politician vs Blue collar grit and Yale education. I like me the smart hillbilly.