The Jordan Peterson Thread

I’'ve had the sense that JP has been slowly losing the plot for a few years. Something broke him (probably a combination of stuff that happened all at once). He’s still got that sharp mind in there, but he’s probably not the guy you could have a beer with and a casual chat anymore.

Come to think of it, that’s probably happened to a lot of us these last couple of years …


He still comes out with some good points, but you have to search hard for them amid the drivel.

He rambles like hell these days. Have you seen those people doing impressions of him by chaining together JP catchphrases? That’s exactly how he speaks now, and he’s probably not aware that he’s doing it. It’s a bit sad.

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A post was merged into an existing topic: Repost of the Day (for real this time!)

The weird drug addiction affected him, but he was already getting increasingly odd before that.

Full interview here.
Always nice to see people seeing the wood from the trees.

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He still has the double standard going – notice how he singles out the dreaded Left around 1:50. (He has a point, but he fails to make the counter-point that most politicians on the other side in Canada have taken more or less the same position.)

Even so, it’s nice to hear him admit he may have made a mistake.

I watched it earlier, and TBH I thought it was nice to see him back on form. The last interview that I watched was terrible. It was just a mumbling, stream-of-consciousness thing. He was clearly suffering (although from what was not entirely clear) and feeling sorry for himself. He really seemed to have hit rock bottom.

In the Rubin interview he seems to have very much bounced back. He speaks concisely and with intent, and he has good points to make. I particularly liked his comment about rights (to the effect that rights are, in a perfect world, something you just have, and if a government creates a Bill of Rights then its only legal effect is to constrain those rights to a certain range of stuff that the government deigns to permit or defend). You would probably disagree with that; nevertheless, I think the recent COVID debacle has demonstrated that high-falutin’ words about human rights are as meaningless as the paper they’re written on; governments have simply circumvented them, asserting that it was a matter of necessity. The reality - as JP also spelled out - is that the politicians are cynically pandering to the fearful masses (who, in turn, are a creation of the politicians and their deliberate fearmongering) and that the necessity, if it exists at all, is a highly dubious justification for their actions.

I think JP is simply using “The Left” as a catch-all for people who support the demolition of the democratic tradition and its replacement with ad-hoc rules which are For Our Own Good. I suppose there are other words he could have used, but they’re probably even more pejorative.

I’m not really au fait with the details of Canadian politics, but regarding “the other side” - does any such thing exist?

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I think the thing that impacted me the most from JP wasn’t actually what he did. It’s watching how far people were willing to go to take this man down for anything and everything. Sometimes even made up things. Even cheering when he hit rock bottom with benzo addiction. That was like a victory for some people. And how willing people just bought into it.


Commenting on the fact that the man scolding you for your degeferate lifestyle is himself an unacknowledged drug addict is not “cheering when he hit rock bottom”, it is just pointing out that he is a hypocrite.

We have Christian cowboys in oil country, and old people, and probably a few right-leaning immigrants; but overall i think the country is left-oriented

edit: or perhaps it is better to say overall the country is pretty centrist, and that is divided into two sides for the purpose of politics :man_shrugging:

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And, there’s an example.


Thanks for proving my point.

A man went through a rough time in life where he thought his life partner since childhood was dying and there was nothing he could do about it. Being prescribed medication that he reacted poorly to and developed a painful physical addiction with a long battle to recovery, of which he seems to have successfully done and persevered.

And all you got was “hah! See, he’s not perfect either so he’s just a hypocrite.”

That’s really sad. JP has always openly said he struggled with metal health and depression since childhood and sought after help and medication. He never claimed to be perfect and you should be perfect like him.

If you think JP “scolds” you to be perfect than I guess you haven’t been listening. He says to take responsibility for your life and clean it up. Of which he did. That’s what people get out of it. That’s what I got out of. I finished my undergrad with a perfect 4.0, finished my masters at the top of my class. Started a profitable business and now hiring people full time. About to start another company. Lots of his advice were helpful to me the last 2 years.

So why did you get something completely different?


Lockdown lefties using the term ‘drug addict’. Funny how the last almost 2 years is revealing how their mindset really is.


Which is really something certain kinds of knowitall people tend to do. :roll_eyes:

For those who dislike him, why is JP such a nasty person? I just can’t see it, and I’d be interested to know what I’m missing.

I think he’s a bit weird, which of course is fine. But he seems like a guy who cares about other people.

What’s wrong about him?

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He says that being manly is the way men evolved and there’s nothing wrong with that. I think he’s hilarious, but I am a man and I own guns, ergo, I’m insane and morally bankrupt.

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It’s simple: if you don’t follow leftist ideology, you are right wing and evil. See Steven Pinker, Bari Weiss, Tulsi Gabbard and many others for examples.

I’m not really sure what the wider “progressive” view is, but the leftist Youtubers I watch don’t seem to particularly dislike him. They say his earlier (post-fame) spiels were sort of wishy-washy, extrapolating first-year philosophy texts kinda carelessly to make sweeping statements about the modern world. His latest book got better reviews as fairly standard but solid stoicism.

That’s what I’ve heard. I haven’t read any of it myself, but he seems pretty inoffensive in general.

I think he caught some flak for treading a little too close to language used by the red-pill morons, but I’ve gotten in trouble for that too (by using the word “alpha”), so I don’t really hold it against him.

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