The K-man's finest hour(s)

A slot in the monkey typing pool?

Those are taken. An outstanding Foreigner visa or whatever it is

They have some special plum card for foreigners, but what about a special maple leaf path to citizenship? Here would be my recommendations to the MOI:

  1. Proof of 20 years of teaching English
  2. No drug arrests
  3. A video dancing in class
  4. Canadian passport

= Citizenship without renouncing

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is that like the special olympics ?_?

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I’ll victim blame! Fucking bully clerk deserved it!

Very similar: both are/would be about positive empowerment!

Aren’t these two mutually exclusive? :grin:

Never say never.

If I were doing a 20 year sentence teaching English, I’d be shooting up the hard stuff.


Not that hard. I may be reckless, but I’m not crazy.

“Lei chased Yeh nearly 200 meters, before collapsing on the bench of a rival 7-Eleven convenience store.” Only the K would have the nous to nuance this line so perfectly. :notworthy::notworthy::notworthy:



A very Taiwanese story…

The subtitle adds so much context


And no concern whatsoever for the child in the Volvo .

She took their kid on a trip to run over her cheating husband’s car?


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Volvo for the WIN!!!

I would have used “straddling.”

Well done. “Wife straddles mistress in wanton display, disregarding safety and social norms”

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