The Kamala Harris thread

Since when does anyone care about the VP? They’re just supposed to sit there and wait and be trotted out as needed.

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They don’t…unless the VP becomes an actual liability. Harris could be the Democrat’s Dan Quayle.

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Just thinking, probably trying to separate her from a sinking ship.

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I think she was hired to draw fire.

She sucks as vice president. She sucked as a presidential candidate. And she’ll suck as commander-in-chief.

Should be fun.

She did suck her way to the top.

But she couldn’t possibly be worse than Biden. Wait…

Hillary was worse. Way worse.

That goes without saying. :slightly_smiling_face:

I mean, she was just, so bad.

And still is. I was just watching a fawning interview with her on BBC, and literally every sentence out of her mouth was a lie.

Good interview with Kamala Harris and George Stephanopoulos. Stephanopoulos seems to be the go to guy to get people on the record, well connected to the DC swamp and knows what people are gossiping about.

Also got Biden on the record about the Afghanistan debacle before it happened, got Christopher Steele on record before Durham started his indictments. Basically he has good insight to what may be happening in 3 or 4 weeks time and get’s people on the record.

The key question in there IMO (and point of the interview) is related to reports of dysfunction between Biden and Harris’s teams which has had some reporters being told to familiarize themselves with VP confirmation process. Harris being pushed twice (gently) on this is basically saying everything is hunky dory.

FJB’s team drops scruffed-knees lady, gets Congress to accept Billary as new Veep, then pulls dementia amendment on Ole Joe, and voila’, the left is screaming in ecstasy.

They’d never go for Hillary Clinton, Washington is still trying to put drywall and a paint job to cover up the structural damage she caused with her Steele dossier.

Reading between the lines, I don’t think Kamala want’s out, I think there was a bust up between the Biden and Harris teams. Harris’s communication director resigned yesterday. See here

More like Stephanopoulos is reminding her she was put in charge of the border which isn’t doing so good right now, reminding her of poll numbers and reminding her of issues that need to be addressed like inflation and the supply chain issues as well as how much she is thrilled to be a part of the Joe Biden administration, absolutely no complaints in that department. :wink:

thank God we have GT to straighten her out and tell her what to do. (sarcasm).

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Well he is not a nobody. He is well connected to much of the swamp creatures. From his entry on wiki related to his membership of the Council on Foreign Relations.

Yes, I know him. a big lackey in Clinton administration.
Anyone at CFR, I suddenly worry about.

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She’s in charge while Joe gets his pooper poked.

She’s finally accomplished something memorable…she’s officially the POTUS with the lowest approval rating in history! :grin:

And she’s out.