The Kavanaugh Fallout

I’m tired of these America hating people. The freedom to express your opinions is a fundamental right of the United States. So are things like due process, innocent until proven guilty. They come bitching about the electoral college and federalism, which is fine. But most of them were perfectly fine in partaking in the electoral process for their own candidates.

Now still act like sore losers complaining about the electoral college, how America should be ashamed. Omg the trade war. None of them has a clue about global economics. People that understand, like my father are shocked that trump has the balls to stand up to China and actually level things out for the US which will pay off in the long run. People I know who knows what they’re talking about almost unanimously see and understand what he’s doing. Some of these America haters even have began parising Xi as a great leader lol. You see this typical type of stuff all over now.