I will try to ride it if nothing big needs be done in the office that day ! I am train and airplane fan, Been on the this train a few times, sad but it is the end of an era.
link; [Catching the last slow trains on South Link line - Focus Taiwan]
I will try to ride it if nothing big needs be done in the office that day ! I am train and airplane fan, Been on the this train a few times, sad but it is the end of an era.
link; [Catching the last slow trains on South Link line - Focus Taiwan]
Steam engines, yeah, I don’t much nostalgia for diesels,
i like those diesel locos. but i get to see them often as those are what we still use here on our freight trains. And more advanced ones on the SF to SAN JOSE CAl train.
And on AmTrak
Well riding it more for the train carriages , non air con with open windows
That would be worth it. I don’t like air-con in vehicles (though you swelter when coming to a stop).
Would have been good if they had put a Steam Engine on the very last one, though it would be difficult with so many tunnels on that line, some very long too. Steam would never have operated on that line in the normal course either, as it wasnt built until after steam had been retired.
Yea, not only were the windows open, the gaps between the cars were open on the sides, too, so you could stand and see the countryside roll by. Probably not the safest, but definitely scenic.
Found memories of first trip to Taiwan, riding the train down to Luodong, sitting on the side-steps by the door watching the rice paddies whizz past.
Can’t do that on a Puyuma.
What are they? Diesel or diesel-electric?
The Blue locomotive you mean?
Diesel Electric.