The Lazarus Rescue

Hi Eric

I went to go see Lazarus tonight. I wanted to cry and vomit at the same time. When I walked into the room where the vets keep him, I was greeted by an incredible odor. I held my breath and walked up to him. He got a little excited and tried to get up but could not quite find the strength. I could see by the look in his eyes that he still had so much to give. I could not touch him. I was too scared that touching him would be too painful for him. I talked to him for a while and he started howling (have you heard him do this before?). This sounded kind of funny and strange. I felt like he was telling me not to give up on him. I quietly vowed to pay him regular visits. As I was leaving, he tried again to get up but to no avail.

I asked the vet if I could make some kind of payment or donation towards Lazarus’ treatment. He said that I should contact the foundation. I guess that is you. I also asked them to take good care of Lazarus. They said he has already been there for almost 2 weeks and that he is getting better. I hate to wonder what he looked like 2 weeks ago.

Anyway, you did a great job in saving this poor animal. Let’s send up a few prayers and donate a few dollars and hope for the best. Together we can make a difference.

PS: :help: There are 3 puppies for adoption at the vet. All of them are friendly and playful. 2 are multi-colored patches (siblings?) and the other is light brown bringal. Maybe you can post this on your site?


Hi Natasha,

Thank you for visiting Lazarus! He tried to get up? And he howled? Wow! That’s tons of improvement! Good stuff. Soon he’ll be walking and licking our hands! I’m happy to hear he’s doing so well!

The two black puppies are siblings. The bigger one is such a bully! Truant adopted the little Jack Russell look alike on Monday.

Here are some pix of the two black puppies if anyone is interested!

Hi Natasha, thanks for visiting Laz.

Ditto 914’s comments. We are overjoyed to hear that Laz made some noise and attempted to stand up after your first visit with him. I think he understood every word you said. Please keep up the good work!

Keep the faith people.

P.S. Natasha, I just sent you an email.


Hi 914

I saw these puppies at the vet on Sunday but I went there today (Wednesday) and there are more puppies. 3 puppies again. One brinjal, 2 brown-black-white patches. The latter 2 must be siblings. They are very cute and friendly.


[quote=“havilina”]Hi 914

I saw these puppies at the vet on Sunday but I went there today (Wednesday) and there are more puppies. 3 puppies again. One brinjal, 2 brown-black-white patches. The latter 2 must be siblings. They are very cute and friendly.

Aren’t they the sweetest? I’m glad Lazarus is at Yang Ming Vet. I hope soon he will be well enough to play with these puppies!

Once I went for a walk an saw an emaciated dog lying in front of a car showroom. It was quite patent that I was in pain. I went to a 7/11 and bought it something to eat ( a vienna) but it was so weak that it could almost not open its mouth. The next day I went back to feed it but it had vanished. They say dogs go to a secret place to die. Does anyone know if it’s true?

First of all, a very big thank you to all those great Forumosans who’ve donated their hard-earned cash to help Lazarus’s recovery and support

We visited Lazarus today and gave him some basic supplements. Luckily, Laz has a great appetite, and there is no problem getting food and meds down him. The generous people at Great Life Performance Pet Products in the U.S. have generously donated everything Lazarus will need to help him recover from his appalling condition. The owner of the company, Elliott Harvey, even threw in some healthy dog biscuits for his mental state. We are very grateful for his assistance. Also, Barbara Bouyet of the Akita Rescue Society of America has been a great help (she even drove over to Elliott’s to discuss Lazarus’s needs in person!), with tons of advice, and she even sent a copy of her incredibly detailed and comprehensive book, Akita-Treasure of Japan, Volume II, which is a great resource. We will pass it on to Laz’s new owner, should he (fingers crossed) recover.

The good news is that Laz’s skin is not so raw as it was two weeks ago (but it is still in an appalling state) and he is no longer itching. Also, thanks to Dr. Yang’s work, he stood up and staggered about a little when we went to see him (we supported him). He kept pushing his head into my hand so that I’d rub the back of his neck. He also kept putting his paw into my hand, too. Not sure why, so I just held his ‘hand’ as I petted him. He’s a great dog. But he’s nowhere near being out of the woods, yet. I’ve taken some photos, and I’ll have those available tomorrow. We are seing improvements, which makes us hopeful, and it’s all thanks to your support.

We have promised the vet we will find someone to go there every day to give Laz his supplements and take him for a walk, as he really needs to start getting back on his feet. If you are able to help with that, please e-mail me at . You should know that he looks a mess, and you will get a few stares. You would also have to help him to his feet and perhaps support him a little until he gets his strength back.

I will post the photos as soon as I get them; it’ll be interesting to compare them to the original pics we took almost two weeks ago. And we’ll continue to keep you updated as to Lazarus’s condition.

Thanks again to all those great people that have given so generously - we could not do this without you. :bravo: :notworthy:

Keep watching this space.

Lazarus stood up on his own on Sunday!

And I left him happily getting his teeth into a rawhide chew.

We need someone to take him out for the occasional walk; if anyone in the Tienmu area is interested, I would love to hear from you


Yeaaaay!!! :bouncy:

I want to take him for a walk as soon as he’s able!
What hours are the clinic open? Can I just go there anytime, or do I have to call first for an appointment?

Does he appear to merely lack overall strength (preventing walking), or does he have any apparent leg injuries?

Thank you, Mr. Bones!

The clinic is open 10 a.m. until about 9 p.m. Because of his skin condition, it is better for Lazarus to avoid strong sunlight, so around 5 p.m or so is best; however, a stroll around the block in the shade of the building would be the way to go. There is no need to make an appointment, but it is probably better if the vet knows (and to prevent you from wasting your journey should someone else have just taken him out).

Here’s the vet:
English Address: 1-6 Tianmu East Rd., Taipei (going north on Chung Shan, turn right after TAS, and the vet is on the left, set back, next to a very small lane)
Chinese Address: 台北市天母東路1-6號
Telephone No.: (02)2872-6911

He looks to be in an appalling state, and you’d need think skin to not feel awkward walking with him. But I think you’re up to it, Dragonbones. :wink:

He is weak, but he can walk - he needs to walk to bring his strength and general composition up to par. He has difficulty walking inside the vet’s because of the slippery floor tiles, so the vets will help carry him outside. Dr. Yang has clipped his nails to make walking easier for him.

Dragonbones, thank you for even considering helping him out - you’ve already been very generous.

Do be prepared for an overwhelming smell (from her skin condition, plus she can’t be bathed yet because of the sores) and an unnappealing site. No worse than some of the Forumosans you met on Thursday, though. :slight_smile:

Let me know if you can help.

I pick up his latest pics today and will post them this evening.



Ouch, that IS far (1.5 hrs round trip for me, from Donghu near Xizhi and Nangang). But I’m free after work pretty often, and on weekends. I don’t mind getting stared at. I get that already. I was at the ostrich pen once at the zoo, and I was thinking how strange the ostriches look, really — and suddenly I noticed that the kids were staring at me instead of at the ostrich. :s

Are you far from there, stray? Maybe we could meet there the first time.

Even once or twice a week would be great for the dog.

I can meet you there about 7.15 any evening, or any time at a weekend.

And thanks for drawing stares away from Laz. :wink:

Staring is the least of his worries. He’s gonna have a gender identity crisis soon…

Apparently Stray Dog flunked Crotch-sniffing 101. :laughing:

[quote=“truant”]Staring is the least of his worries. He’s gonna have a gender identity crisis soon…

[quote=“Stray Dog”]
Dragonbones, thank you for even considering helping him out - you’ve already been very generous.

Do be prepared for an overwhelming smell (from her skin condition, plus she can’t be bathed yet because of the sores) and an unnappealing site. No worse than some of the Forumosans you met on Thursday, though. :slight_smile:

Oops! Laz is a boy - most of my other pets are females, so I get used to calling them all girls. Must be more careful, especially at Carnegie’s!

I went to go see Lazarus today (vet was closed on Sunday?). We went for a short walk. This was really good for Lazzie. He did what all dogs do … sniffed everywhere, peed, and pooped twice. :bravo: You should have seen how people looked at us. Of course people are horrified by what he looks like, and people gave me even stranger stares. We had to keep the walk very short as his muscles are still relatively weak. Anyway, I will try my best to take him for walks every night. I live in Tienmu and it is very easy for me to stop by the vet after work every night. I told the vet I will come by daily after sunset.

About the formula/vitamin supplement thingy … The vet said they will take care of giving it to Lazarus.


Hey Natasha,

That sounds like such an improvement, it’s amazing! I can’t picture it though, haha, but I believe you!

Wow, he sounds like a different dog. I wonder if wearing a t-shirt or cover-up would be a good idea? Both for him and for other people who are scared at the sight of him? If he still has open sores it may not be a good idea, but if his wounds are healed, maybe we can try a thin covering for his back.

Thanks for taking him out! He must be so excited to wander around!

Ps-how was he when walking up and down stairs?


I’ve browsed the website several times, and I think I want to help the strays in Taiwan. As a native taiwanese, I’ve been complaining how terrible it is or that, and I think I have to change my attitude toward my homeland and offer my help, but I don’t know where to start really, so, if there’s anything needs help, please tell me and I’ll try my bets to do it! :smiley: :smiley: :sunglasses: :wink:

Hi all

Lazarus could not walk up the stairs (from B1 to 1st floor). The vet carried him up and out of the hospital. I am sure they don’t want him to get in contact with other dogs (spread of disease or infection). I don’t think a shirt is a good idea right now. Even though he looks much better, he still has wet wounds. He has one nasty piece of raw flesh on his right hip. The vet said they are treating him with antibiotics. His left back paw was also bleeding quite a bit. The vets applied something to his toe nail. I suspect they cut something they shouldn’t have when they cut his nails.

The walk we took was really short and slow. After our walk, he could get up the 3 or 4 stairs leading up the the front door of the hospital. But then he saw one of the vets talking to a lady at the shop next door. He got all excited, started wagging his tail and pulling on the lead to walk over to the vet. Then, he was so exhausted. His back legs started quivering and he sat down. I could not convince him to walk another step and the vet had to carry him back into the hospital.

One step at a time as they say …

Any pictures of him?

He looked horrible on the first ones, wonder if he looks better now?