The lift, open/close buttons

Then turn the engine off to save money.

I always think about TW being frugal and wanting to save money but they speed on the roads and highways which uses more money.

Then slam on the brakes to stop.

I found a lot of elevators will stay open forever if you don’t push the close door button.

I personally hit the close button just to speed things up ya know. If it’s there, why not use it.
I also like holding the open button so other people may enter the lift.

For sure. A combo of anxiety and trying to look busy.

Golden rule of the lazy:

Never move slow, never move fast. always appear to move with a purpose.

Always carry something. Blue collar, a screw driver. White collar, a bunch of papers.

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edit - I know how to embed a video now.

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Just copy the address bar and paste

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