The long history of a 1000 piece puzzle

So last year I got a puzzle. thought it would be fun to sit and put it together with the fam. It wasn’t. They bolted leaving me with a mess on the table in the office. We moved to a new place 3 months later, and I took it apart in chunks. The bottom half was pretty much finshed though.

It remained under the night table in the box, in chunks until last month. We’re moving again and I didn’t want to throw it out, as it wasn’t cheap and there was a NEED to finish it.

It was NOT easy! Most of the top half is the same color, and doing the tree up the middle was no simple task either.

So I had a plan:

Part one: Finish the tree, as it had all the black pieces and most of the red.

That was relatively easy (not). After that, almost ALL the pieces were the same. The differences were mindnumbingly small. So I had to revert to “try every piece in one spot” method. Needless to say it wasn’t a fast process. maybe 20-30 minutes a day…when I did it. I separated the Sun pieces, as they were bright yellow, but still they all rooked the same.

I had to hurry now, as the cat was beginning to eat and play with the pieces, and lie down in the box, and run 100mph over the table on her daily terrorist activities in Smithland. Oh, and because jdspouse said, “Git this gd thing off my table!” ahem…onward.

And then, last Thursday morning, it happened. The pieces were few enough that I could size or shape them into the right spots, again the colors were mostly the same.

And Violin! It was done.

So, only after 400 days or so, I managed to do a 1000 piece puzzle. My advise:


:taz: :taz:


Congrats, didn’t know it was that hard … so, now secure it …

glad it was you. That makes it funny.

Next you can take up knitting or something, Mr. JDtoomuchtimeonhishandsmith.:slight_smile:

Just curious, I’ve never been too much for puzzles, but what do you do with it when it’s done? glue it to cardboard and hang it on your wall?

Also: If the manufacturer makes separate1000 piece puzzles with different images on them, would the cut pattern be the same? I mean, could a piece from Van gogh’s “Sunflowers” fit into the same spot on Picasso’s “Guernica”?

And: Why do I think about silly things like this?

[quote=“canucktyuktuk”]Next you can take up knitting or something, Mr. JDtoomuchtimeonhishandsmith.:slight_smile:

Just curious, I’ve never been too much for puzzles, but what do you do with it when it’s done? glue it to cardboard and hang it on your wall?

Also: If the manufacturer makes separate1000 piece puzzles with different images on them, would the cut pattern be the same? I mean, could a piece from Van gogh’s “Sunflowers” fit into the same spot on Picasso’s “Guernica”?

And: Why do I think about silly things like this?[/quote]

Well, I do have time on my hands. It’s good to be da king. :slight_smile:

The place I bought the thing last year is in the basement of FE21 in Taoyuan. You dismantle it in big chunks, give it back to them and them spray a glue over it and frame it, for roughly a bit more than the cost of the puzzle itself.

It’s a great racket! lol And I support their bidness savy. :laughing:

Maybe next time you buy a puzzle you can ask them to put it together, paste and frame it, saves you the time … :laughing:

Your first 1000-piece puzzle?! I got my first one when I was 10 years old. Then I moved on to the double-sided 1000-piece puzzles. Those are lots of fun.

As happens in history, things occur that are not planned for. now I’m not setting this on the same level as the insurgent uprising in Iraq, but, my cat, last night, knocked over a vase and the water covered 70% of the completed puzzle. I found it this morning, after the water had a chance to soak in. So now, the puzzle place lady says, Let it dry out and we’ll frame it anyway.

I hope……sorry… I thought I could talk about it…

(I had to put the cat in the spare bedroom for a while this morning…for her safety…being on the 8th floor and all.)

Sean goes into his regular bar. The barman says to him “Sean, feck’s sake, you look loike shoite. What have you been up to?”

“Well”, says Sean, “I’ve been doing this jigsaw puzzle for the past week. I’ve hardly eaten or slept, but after 7 days, I’ve managed to finish it!”

“Wow. Well done, Sean. Must’ve been a really hard jigsaw puzzle if it took you a whole week!”

“It WAS, says Sean. It said on the box that it would take 3 -5 years!”

[quote=“irishstu”]Sean goes into his regular bar. The barman says to him “Sean, feck’s sake, you look loike shoite. What have you been up to?”

“Well”, says Sean, “I’ve been doing this jigsaw puzzle for the past week. I’ve hardly eaten or slept, but after 7 days, I’ve managed to finish it!”

“Wow. Well done, Sean. Must’ve been a really hard jigsaw puzzle if it took you a whole week!”

“It WAS, says Sean. It said on the box that it would take 3 -5 years!”[/quote]

Best joke I’ve seen in a while.

Check this one, its either really good or really bad. I can’t work it out.

A Jelly Baby walks into a bar and starts talking to a Smartie.

After a few beers the Smartie says "Ere, a bunch of us are heading to that new club, fancy tagging along? "The Jelly Baby says "No mate, I’m a soft centre, I always end up getting my head kicked in.

“So”, Smartie says. “Don’t worry about it, I’m a bit of a hard case, I’ll look after you.”

Jelly Baby thinks about it for a minute and says “Fair enough, as long as you’ll look after me”, and off they go.

After a few more beers in the club, three Lockets walk in. As soon as he sees them, Smartie hides under the table. The Lockets take one look at jelly Baby and start kicking him,
breaking cola bottles over his little jelly head, lamping him with little sugary chairs, and generally having a laugh.

After a while they get bored and walk out. Jelly Baby pulls his battered Jelly Baby body over to the table and wipes up his Jelly Baby blood.

He turns to Smartie and says “I thought you were going to look after me.”

“I was!” says Smartie, “But those Lockets are f***ing menthol”.[/quote]

Closure. The frame fits perfectly I think, burnt-yellowish fading into black.

Gott in himmel! That’s one bufugly pitcher!

Ah, the pleasure just keeps pouring in. :smiling_imp:

Seriously? I think it’s wonderful. I love the darkness invading the color.

… a Van Gogh?


Is the cat still alive?

Yes. :rainbow: