The massive house eating snails

Parasites are the real deal haha

Is this something in waters around Taiwan, I wonder if I have seen this? I see lots of sea snails at the waterfront markets

taiwan does have cone snails. or so I’m told.

I saw a snail gang the other day. Couple of them were wearing baseball caps. Crossed over to the other side of the street to avoid them.

Dead men tell no tales.

I thought this was a thread about snails being eaten by a massive house. It wasn’t.

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You’re not the only person.

Conus textilis and Conus geographus are both present but uncommon in Taiwan. They hunt fish in shallow waters.

If you dive or snorkel, and are intent on picking them up, hold the blunt end. But they may still be able to reach you from the barb released at the pointy end.

Here in Okinawa a relative that is a bit slower is a favorite of fishermen. Bbq and a toothpick to winkle them out. Middens of shells near fishing harbors, especially ancient beach landings.

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