The Most Beautiful Songs Ever Written

[color=#BF0000]DIFFERENT MUSIC THREADS[/color]
To all music lovers, I’ve got to agree with Whole Lotta Lotta on this one. I haven’t started moving posts around as taste is somewhat relative (my musical tastes have been insulted on more than one occasion) and I’d prefer to avoid giving people conniptions by moving their stuff.

(Besides which, the thread is now 85 pages long and although I may be a size queen, not even I am sure if I could clean that up. People do of course, with a thread this long, post songs that have previously been posted and that’s fine - they’re simply expressing which songs are beautiful to them.)

[color=#BF0000]NEVERTHELESS[/color], despite leeway for the personal appreciation of beauty, it seems obvious that if a song is hard and it is rocking, it should be in Whole Lotta Lotta’s [url=The Hardest Rockin Songs Ever! Hardest Rockin Songs Ever![/url] thread.

In the future, I am likely to move certain songs newly posted in this thread to more appropriate places if I feel they can find a more fitting home.

It’s not big deal, but it’s just nicer to open a thread and check out the vids of the genre you are in the mood for.

Some of the threads available:

[url= Most Electronic Thread

And my least favorite (but it may be yours, and I respect that):
[url=The Best Christmas Music Ever! Best Christmas Music Ever[/url]

If you don’t know where to post a song, it will probably find a happy home in:

[url= to Be Cheerful

Edit: There’s also [url=The Funkiest Songs Ever! Funkiest Songs Ever![/url]

Happy listening.