The narratives about Trump thread

Stop with the Obama stuff.

This is happening now. 100% fact.
It’s wrong.
Leave your distorted crazy politics to one side for a minute. Step out from the bubble.

Two thirds of Americans say it’s wrong.

By the way, anyone who approves such, er, reporting, has forfeited the right to call anyone else a demagogue.

These assholes are gonna watch this blow up in their faces…

Credible source or STFU.

This is happening right now: True, or False?

There was one picture I heard of that was mistakenly spread around. Majority of the rest of it is real, plus they’ve recorded the screaming children. This is happening. Are you guys seriously now arguing it’s not happening?

Earlier in this thread it was “But Obama did it!” and very quickly has morphed into “But it’s not even happening!” What is it? Is it not happening but if it is happening then it was totally Obama’s fault? The cognitive dissonance gets more ridiculous by the day.

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You’re the one talking about photos of kids in cages, taken in 2014 when Obama was president, why don’t you knock it off.

Or didn’t you know that?

You want audio of screaming children? Cuz I can get you audio of screaming children. There are ways.

Now video is harder to fake, but that’s doable too.

OK, I welcome facts, especially if it is happening now, because I 100% agree it certainly should not be happening.

By “It happening” are you saying kids are being put in cages?

No I said the kids are in cages now.
That is a 100% fact. Not deniable.
I said fix it now. Stop torturing kids because it is a form of torture for them.

I never even once mentioned Obama. Why do you have such a hard on for Obama he’s not the president now.

Because the pictures circulated were taken in 2014…

What pictures are you talking about ?
Stop with this fake news stuff.

The real 100% fact news was accepted by everybody including homeland security, trump , Melania, congressmen, American public etc that there are thousands of kids that have been separated from their parents now as a systematic policy and that they are living in cages in immigration detention centers with no contact with their parents.

It’s wrong. Stop it.

Is Associated Press a reliable source? They actually visited one facility.

Please be clear, the entire thing is a clusterfuck. Saying ‘what about Obama’ isn’t going to help the children who, everybody HAS to agree, are innocent and being traumatized. Now.

  1. The vast majority of minors in these camps had no accompanying parent or adult with them.
  2. The vast majority of those who had an adult who claimed to be a parent, wasn’t actually a parent.
  3. the number of minors crossing the border trebled from 2013 till today.

Some of the things to ponder are, were people aware of the loophole provided by Obama and used minors to gain entry for themselves. How do you know these children are not being trafficked with the intent of exploiting the child once entry is given.

Do you want to provide a reason for drug gangs and traffickers to exploit children?

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It doesn’t matter what evidence you present, the heartless bastards will just throw it back in your face and call it fake news, will tell you Obama did it ten times worse, etc. etc. Why bother arguing with them? Totally pointless.

Stop trying to divert from the reality of torturing kids as state policy. At least two thousand kids locked up in cages separated from their families.
That’s very wrong.

That you keep trying to divert to some political point of fake news comment says a lot about you , hope you are not a parent.

This is an honest question, please do try to answer?

Done debating with you, fortunately two thirds of Americans agree with me and this policy will end soon.
Kids can see their parents again.

You didn’t debate, you just made an emotional call lacking reason, facts or logic, have you even thought about what it is you are saying. kids should never be separated from parents.

Yet they are, daily, around the world when a parent goes to jail. I would suggest 100 times the number of parents you are talking about are separated from their children every day around the world, when they are put in prison.

I might ask you why your distress is for these particular parents, but I already know the answer, i think it is you that doesn’t understand the answer to that.

It’s not equivalent.
In this case the policy of separating kids from parents is deliberate to punish and torture the parents and their kids in order to discourage their illegal immigration to the US.
It is not necessary to separate the family units whatsoever and they are better off being kept together.

The kids are not being take out of school or being brought into a violent and dangerous environment like an adult prison .
Situation is not even remotely equivalent.

Normal state of affairs worldwide is to house illegal immigrants as family units.

Two thirds of Americans agree that they should be housed together. Don’t torture kids. Simple. You are twisting yourself backwards with so many ‘what abouts’ it’s not even funny.

Im not being obtuse, I am seriously asking, In BrainJones version of the universe, when an adult and child turn up to the border, do we accept at face value they are indeed kin?

What would you do, house the child in an adult facility? Do you not think gangs will take advantage of this loophole? Do you think gangs have not been taking advantage of this loophole?

Inquiring minds want to know.