The narratives about Trump thread

They just don’t make cages like they used to.

Yeah, some people are easily triggered.

The politics is the whole point. Remember what happened with the DREAMer business a few months back? Same deal.

The Annoying Orange called them out. They tried to stick him with the blame and he turned it right back on them. This looks like the same deal.

Don’t hold your breath for a legislative solution. It will come, but not quickly. The shedders of crocodile tears feel it is to their advantage to delay, because they think they can use the media to deflect the blame. That used to work like gangbusters, but this is a different era. They haven’t made the mental adjustment.

I suppose there’s a chance they’ve learned a lesson from the DREAM thing, but so far it doesn’t look that way.

Yeah but I heard rachel madcow cried live on tv…that’s going to change everything.

Didn’t Dan Rather do something like that at one point?

Laugh, and the world laughs with you. Cry, and the world laughs at you.

Seems harder to tell how this one is going to turn out. The “Dreamers as validictorians” narrative was patently ridiculous from the start, but this “children in cages” thing could have legs. It’s sure worked its magic on poor Brian.

Separating children from their parents is evil. Ban day care! Make home schooling mandatory!

And that stoner son of yours can live in your basement for the rest of his natural life. Because anyone who self identifies as a child is a child.

It’s the “shit or get off the pot” phase that matters.

When this reaches its denouement, I expect I’ll have some good clips for the Retarded News thread.

…Off topic, but somehow appropriate:

In the meantime, let’s all pray for the children.

At least they’re really children, not like the 30yo “”“children”"" that every now and then show up in the photos of illegal migrants in the Eu.

Yes, but they’re young at heart, which is what really matters. God, you’re so cynical!

The real tragedy is that the very idea of compassionate empathy is being made to look ludicrous.

We can’t fix everybody’s problems, and never could. But we could, at least in theory, care. Now that’s out the window, thanks to the sort of jackasses who refuse to admit that we can’t fix everybody’s problems. That kind of stupidity corrupts everything it touches.

“Won’t someone please think of the children!” Is anyone here old enough to remember when that wasn’t a laugh line?

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Also appropriate…

And if it turns out not to be true, that will make it doubly appropriate.

I must admit, he does look like a son of the first black president of the US.

Here’s Maddow hamming it up:

The comments are less than compassionate. Basically, no one’s buying it.

They’re trying too hard, that’s the problem. They’re overdoing it something awful. That’s always been their main problem…

Ironically, the media’s “children in cages” fauxrage may actually be helping Trump further his agenda:


Too easily countered.

“Ask if you’ve actually seen the so-called cages. Just keep asking.”

Oh, and have you ever seen an elementary school in the blue parts of the US? Just asking.

On second thought, that looks defensive. This is all about perception and posture, not merit. So:

Ask them if they approve their school systems putting their children in cages.

If they say, “those aren’t cages” ask them if they approve their school systems putting their children in cages.

If they say “it’s just a lot of wire fencing! Come on!” ask them if they approve their school systems putting their children in cages.

Just keep asking.

Then follow up by asking if they’ve stopped beating their wives.

It would be pretty pointless asking you anyway.

Just keep asking anyway.