The narratives about Trump thread

One of the few good moves by this administration.


Upvote for not being partisan hack. I canā€™t understand the people that defend one party on everything and attack the other party for everything too.

I think itā€™s one of the benefits of not growing up with a political affiliation to a party. I have too many friends that have no clue on whatā€™s going on and just side with whoever has a R or D next to their names. This one move isnā€™t going to win me over. But Iā€™m glad something is being done. The opiate problem is so bad now that everytime I get a call from someone stateside, my stomach drops because I know thereā€™s a good chance someone just ODed. And itā€™s not just the poor, house broken, problem kids. Itā€™s happening to some of the most stand up, smart and kind people I grew up knowing.

Podesta emails werenā€™t exactly hacked. He opened one of those phishing emails, Iā€™d say it can be hardly considered as ā€œhackingā€.

Nothing to do with Russians, by the way. Wikileaks keeps sources anonymous, but Assange himself unofficially confirmed the leak came from Seth Rich, the guy who days after the leak was found dead in a car after a robbing during which the robbers killed him but left wallet, smartphone etc in the car.

Itā€™s tough for corrupt governments and politicians to maintain their grip on power when they canā€™t keep their dirty laundry hidden. Thank the internet and social media for that. Maybe the ruling class in America will be successful in imposing a police state powerful enough to ensure that the American people only hear what it wants them to hear but I doubt it. The dark web, samizdat websites and Radio Free Amerika broadcasts from third world countries will see to that.

Podestaā€™s password was ā€œpassword.ā€ :smiley:

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Yes, anyone could have gained access to Podestaā€™s emails, I hear his password was Passw0rd. A ham sandwich could have figured that out. However, a ham sandwich canā€™t hide their IP address so easily.

The fact this was such a high profile hack and no one seems to have been named as the source of the hack would lead me to believe a group like ā€œpawn stormā€ were behind it. Phishing is one of their main MO, and they have the infrastructure to hide, even from authorities. They are also known for ransom ware, this ability to hide from authorities while negotiating in the open is key, I wouldnā€™t be surprised if they were not affiliated with Russian government affiliates, which is to say not the Russian government directly, but some affiliate connected to the criminal enterprise.

TLDR: Hacking something is easy. Not being traced later, much harder. Not being traced when the full scrutiny of the FBI and other agencies put all their effort into it, expert level (But not nearly as expert as the Russian Government itself). Pawn Storm makes far too much of a mess to be Russians directly, they are pretty clearly a criminal organization.

The DNC hack, from what I read is looking more likely the information was downloaded locally.

it might be the FBI looked into podesta email hack and concluded it was Pawn Storm and then the DNC found it convenient to blame them for the DNC hack too. A lie based on a partial truth always works better.

thatā€™s what I wrote :stuck_out_tongue: assange basically confirmed the leaker was Seth Rich, who was in the dmc until then.

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I thought there was no proof of the Rich involvement, yet held on to by conspiracy theorists.

Forbes (hardly a liberal rag) seems to go with the Fancy Bear angle. Not direct government involvement, but loose ties. A criminal element.

So his trip to Asia begins. My mom just came back from Korea. Although people try to maintain their normal life, there are more and more whispers of the possible war. And some are worried trumps trip will make things much worse.

This is so embarrassing. Itā€™s painful too watch. Tillerson must feel so uncomfortable sitting beside him. Same goes for Mnuchin and every other intelligent person in the White House.

He doesnā€™t know how to read diversityā€¦ you should probably know how to say a program you want to end right?

ā€œwe want to end the diversery lotteryā€¦ā€ ā€¦ā€œsounds niceā€¦ā€ :rofl: Are you not entertained?

Quick! Letā€™s write an article about covfefe and diversery on some blog! The people clicking to read some nonsense will make us bath in shekels!

This guy is about to tour Asia including South Korea possibly saying something there that could actually start world world 3. The Korean people actually donā€™t want him to comeā€¦they have to because the US is an important ally in case NK attacks. But they also donā€™t want him to come because he can be th cause of it. Sad for the Korean people who are trapped by him.

Come on, you really canā€™t have a laugh that he literally canā€™t pronounce diversity and the program heā€™s trying to end and made up a word. And he can only describe it as not nice and bad?

Fun times!

Right, itā€™s been on the books for months. The predicted result is going to be 6 nation talks, China to lead the way and be the hero. Believe it or not this is playing out a lot more predictably than you might imagine with regards timing, China had to have their big conference first, then comes trumps trip to Asia, then come the talks. Thereā€™s a lot more I am leaving out, but thatā€™s the jist of it.

Why is it you canā€™t just laugh at this and somehow make this about obama. Like you literally went and searched for that article.

You know the man can also benefit from a thesaurus. But isnā€™t that his plus. He uses simple words of the common people.

Iā€™m guessing since North Korea would probably never turn china against them, china has the most leverage. But still. Trump has put president moon and Korea in a bad spot. Moon wanted to try and be diplomatic, and Koreans donā€™t want to kill each other againā€¦ you can debate if being political with NK is the smart move. But then again, itā€™s Korea that has the most to lose. And now their fate is pretty much in the US and Chinaā€™s hands now. And trump has pretty much undermined any efforts of political talks with the north. But he just has to roll with it at this point.

Right now, the concern for Korea is that the fate of the peninsula is more in the hands of china, us and Japan than them. For Koreans, they dont see NK as the enemy like the US. They donā€™t want to kill each other again. Is trump going to be able include president moon and his administration more in the talks and try to get on the same page. Or is he just going to hijack the talks and put Korea in a position of basically having to deal with the aftermath because they canā€™t exactly not keep good relations with the US at this point.