The narratives about Trump thread

That’s what people do anyway. It’s usually called branding.

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Branding is no solution for working people though because the proceeds go directly into the pockets of greedy capitalists rather than higher wages for workers. Any more ideas?

That’s an oversimplification if I ever heard one.

Why do you think mainlanders bought up so much milk powder in HK that they passed a law to restrict the amount you could carry in your luggage?


What was that you were saying about Alec Baldwin? :roll_eyes:

That’s clearly a woman in the photo next to Trump.

You go girl! :rainbow:

Branding Apple style:

Now more than ever, Apple depends on the strength of its brand power to eclipse the mistreatment and exploitation of workers in its supply chain, and the injustice it has done to the American public by skirting the majority of its corporate taxes.

I wouldn’t recommend that Trump run either (well, at least not in the “legs pumping up and down” sense).

The economist wants my shekels to read the article.

The one from the hill mentions that illegal immigration has reduced the average wages for low skilled American workers. It’s obvious that if you have more people working you get a benefit to the overall production of a country, but I dont care about that if the result comes at the cost of the citizens.

In before another rant about outsourcing and globalization: yes, they’re problems too. There are many reasons why average wages can go down, and illegal migrants offering their workforce at lower rates is one of them. To do something to contrast the effect of the global market it takes a huge effort, while to reduce the impact of illegal immigration all you need is to enforce the law.

Fun fact: an American worker in the US is likely to spend or save all his money within the country. An illegal migrant is more likely to send part of that time back to his own country, thus removing it from the local economy.

Fun fact #2 : the NYT post is one of the strongest media outlets supporting illegal immigration from Mexico, dreamers nonsense etc. One if its largest stockholders was good ol’ Carlos Slim, a guy who back in Mexico owns a fuckton of stuff and benefits immensely by cash going back to Mexico.In 2017 he sold part of his stock, probably just as a coincidence to the harder stance against. Immigration of the government.


Makes sense when you think about it.


Well played. You win…this time.

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Problem is, most of their articles aren’t worth the webpage they’re printed on.

Shutdown baby! Go Trump!
Immigrate legally and get in line like everyone else you fucking Dreamers

We know that (or we ought to know).

I didn’t say the answer is easy. I said there’s potential.

Widget A is made in X. Widget B is made in Y. They are “the same” in theory, but people who prioritize quality/safety over price will buy Widget B if that’s what they perceive as the better/safer widget due to effective branding. They may also buy it out of patriotism, which is another kind of branding. Every safety scandal involving Widget A will reinforce this tendency if it’s reported widely enough. A war could practically remove Widget A from the picture.

Bottom line: cheap labor and other ways of cutting costs can accomplish much, but they can’t accomplish everything.

Fixed that for you. :wink:

The real dreamers are those who think that losing control of your borders, your legal system and your national destiny are no big deal.

Never said that branding doesn’t reel them in. Plenty of suckers are willing to pay a thousand plus US$ for a phone made by near slave labor.

If the $1000 phone is made in a cheap labor country for ¢50 or whatever, then one way of looking at it is this proves that American manufacturing is dead and buried forever because other countries have cheaper labor.

Another way of looking at it is it proves something, but not necessarily the first thing that comes to mind. I’ll just leave it at that. :slight_smile:

They set up a website for those responsible.