The nitty-gritty of how buxibans work

Successful sales requires you to understand the customer, so yes please. That’s the basic problem. I don’t understand how people can be so pg-headed stubbornly stupid.

I just lost my temper via PM with the OP of [url=Is it ok if I send this email to my English tutor? thread[/url]. She staretd out with a very reasonable complaint about her teacher and asked for advice in dealing with it. Opinons varied, but the result was that she was looking for another teacher on taiwanted.

Good for her.

Except that she’s not just ‘studying English’, she has specific needs relating to the IELTS test.

She has decided, apparently without consulting any qualified person, what she needs to do. In this case it’s to write a bunch of compositions and have some guy correct her spelling of ‘use’. :unamused:

At this level she needs to learn how to plan an essay and make better use of her time so that she can proofread for herself under exam conditions. She needs skilled guidance and controlled practise at skills other than the ones she is focusing on. And she needs to pay attention to the basics for herself instead of relying on a teacher to tell her what’s right. But she doesn’t want to listen and isn’t prepared to pay for quality.

This is typical of this type of student. How do you, for their own good, make them reason about the important things?