The oddest foreigner you've met here -- share your story

The weirdest guy was an mixed asian Australian guy who worked on a farm in Australia who only liked western (white) women. He was having a lot of trouble with dating and just general social interaction. His frustrations with the opposite sex often led him to have misogynistic rants in person and on facebook. Like, true misogyny, and crazy angry views.

I met him actually on here, he was asking for help and advice so I decided to meet up with him and just kinda take him out to socialize and give him some advice and maybe meet some people to build a social circle. So initial interaction was that he was just socially awkward, he wasn’t very well spoken and couldn’t draw you in with anything, very little care of his own grooming and fashion. But I guess some of it was from living on a farm and probably and could easily be fixed by getting a proper haircut and learning how to dress.

Added him on facebook and he began to get really weird. Posting very racist and misogynistic views and ranting. Saying some pretty racist things about women of different race, like one moment he would say western women were too independent and should know their place. And another moment he would say asian women were too submissive and love the white man. Thing about how men where superior to women and how they belong in the kitchen. He also wasn’t too keen on immigrants, which was confusing because he is a immigrant…and praised trump on the whole pussy grabbing thing… I would told him to delete them, and he usually would.

So one day, he posted something about trump, apparently he added my gf on facebook and she disagreed. He later deleted me. I had no idea why at the time. I later reported back on what happened on here. He signed on and said he deleted me because we had an argument about trump…but we never talked about politics. Noted I’m not a fan of trump but I never spoke to him about it and made it look like i’m bashing him because of political differences. Last I heard, he went to learn to be a scuba diving instructor in kenting. I can’t even explain how strange of a guy this was.

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