The Overdue Critical Race Theory/DEI Thread

Sometimes it is, sometimes it isn’t. Takes even more intelligence to see there is a difference (but still, very little)

Does DEI training discriminate against White people? Courts will decide. (



The extent to which some adults have lost the plot is incredible.

How could this possibly have happened in the first place, let alone got this far?


This is what “certified” teachers are exposed to. Not just in PD, but in their initial training, and in their teachable degrees, and now on social media and etc.

The teachable moment here was diversity and friendship are good things. The poor kid might just learn to bottle everything in, and hate school, and avoid black classmates.


“The beginning of wisdom is to call things by their right names.”


Paraphrasing: “forget it Jake, it’s Chinatown California.” Although equivalent nuttiness also exists in non-California school districts.

Wages of identity politics, I reckon.

Please let this be true


When it says minority authors, I thought they were trying to say they were lesser known.

I think i need some DEI training

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Highly recommended! Unfortunately it’s only available to white woman. Maybe if you say you identify as one?

“White Fragility”

I know what a circular argument looks like. Invent a theory that is non-falsifiable. Posit that anyone who disagrees with said theory is displaying white fragility when disputing the idea of white fragility. If you deny that you are not guilty, you are in denial of your guilt.


All the theories are designed this way. It’s to stop any questioning of them which would expose the fundamental nonsense. Similar to blasphemy laws.

My mum was on the receiving end of ‘You are racist unless you admit to being racist.’ by a government employer almost thirty years ago. Her refusal, and getting angry about it, would today be white fragility. Nowadays she’d probably also get fired.

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Good, about time

Average DEI staff salary $96,400.

I can see why people are desperate to keep the gravy train running.

Yeah, people who have grievance studies degrees and can’t do anything but be offended really need these jobs. Robin D’Angelo has gotten rich